Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37 Replay Part 3 — Turn 3

Below you will find the third in a series of articles from Brett Dedrick featuring a playthrough of Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37: Delaying Action at Ernage. Parts 1 and 2 can be found here and here. Enjoy!

Turn #3

The “secret weapon” in the German tank arsenal, which ultimately overcame superior French guns and armor, consisted of the radio fitted into each Panzer. Only one in five – 20% – of French tanks carried a radio, so once combat began, 80% of the French tanks relied on visual signals, including merely observing the movements of other tanks and attempting to guess the intended maneuvers.

Charles River Editors, WWII Historian and author. 


Due to the Limited spotting Modifier of -3 all of the French ATGs are now unspotted (-3 due to limited spotting, +3 for Firing, -2 for Medium Cover, which means they can only be spotted at range <= 3).

Command Phase 

Below is the Northern part of the board. 

The Germans have given all the halftracks move orders while the PzIVDs and the mortar-armed Halftracks get Fire Commands. 

The French have given the S-35 stack a move command and the rest of their units Fire Commands. 

Below is the Southern portion of the map. 

All the French Troops will have move orders since it’s obvious the main push will be in the North. 

German Comment OK like the Good Germans we are, everyone will get into a line in the following order; First by order of last name descending then by rank and finally by birthday. The tanks will bring up the rear as I don’t want to get their paint scratched up too much. 

French Comment – I probably should have moved everyone in the South last turn. 

Ed note: The French player is correct. If you’re going to move them, then move them all. Also, this is one of the perfect situations where the German tanks should have a Short Halt (Fire then ½ Move) command. It doesn’t effect the smoke roll and they’ll be closer to French Troops. 

Initiative Phase 

German Roll – 90 +20 = 110 

French Roll – 9 

The Germans will Fire first and Move second. 

1st Air Phase 


Combat Phase 

French Comment: My good Die rolls continue. God must be on my side. 

Ed note: The next 5 French Shots all have to be at the same hex due to the Vehicles without Radio sets which also makes their command range zero. 

German Comment: After that first roll I thought “Well damn this will be a short game.” 

Ed. Note: Why didn’t the French give the H-35s a Move order. Hitting a moving vehicle at extreme range is next to impossible. Or, at least, he should have given them a Short Halt to move out of the trees and get their Bog roll out of the way. Personally, I would have moved them as they are really slow (2 hexes) in the open or the Germans may just run by them. The German comment about this being a short game is about to come true. Just not in the way he thought it would. 

Movement Phase 

Now OW commands on anybody so there won’t be any Fire in the Movement Phase. However, the smoke does land.

Foxtrot One, this is Foxtrot Six, Over.”

“Foxtrot Six this is Foxtrot Actual, Go.” 

“Oh, hey Captain. Look, uhmm, it looks like the Fog is back. I mean it got really foggy all of a sudden.” 

“Foxtrot 6 are you High?” 

“No, Captain, we’re on the ground.” 

Overheard on the French Radio Net 

 The French move the S-35 Stack to within 3 hexes of the Germans. Northern Map after French Moves. 

French Comment – You should always keep your tanks at least 3 hexes from any Infantry to avoid them Close Assaulting you. 

Ed. Note: As happens sometimes in games, the French player forgot that the Germans still have their move. 

In the South everything will move. First the AMD 35s Armored Cars must make Bog Checks. 

Next the two trucks will try and Load up the two CA 37 ATGs. These are Bog checks for the ATGs.. 

Now the trucks will try to move out. 

So, one truck made it out. The other is stuck in the trees. 

Finally, the H-35s will move along the Dirt road. Here’s the Southern part of the map after the French Moves. 

Ed. Note: I don’t understand why the French player didn’t move the one Armored Car that made it out of the woods their full movement allowance. Since the ACs are Recon units, they get their own command. I think he was perhaps thinking they had to share their commands. The ACs have guns that can penetrate any German Vehicle, they are very fast AND they are Veterans. These two units should be used to flank Germans and fire from range since they are Veterans. 

The Germans move all the Halftracks closer to the French and unload everybody into the newly created Smoke hexes. The SPW 251/10s will turn to face the S-35s the rest of the Halftracks will face the nearest ATGs, (after all, they all have MGs). The PzIICs stay safe, off the board. 

Map after the German Moves 

German Comment: Ha! His tanks are dead unless they move. 

French Comment: Whoops. I forgot that the Germans still had their moves available. 

Ed. Note: OK the French player is now in a bit of a pickle. He has to either suppress a whole lot of German infantry in next turn’s Fire phase or run away in the next Move phase., leaving the ATGs to their fate. Personally, I’d run. 

2nd Air Phase 


Adjustment Phase 

All the OFF Smoke goes away then the ON Smoke goes to OFF. German Rifle #8 Suppression (which it got when the Crew of their Damaged Halftrack Bailed) goes to OFF. 

German Comment – Don’t worry dear reader. That cowardly Halftrack crew was eventually caught by the Gestapo and are now spending time in jail (Who am I kidding, they were probably shot). 

French Comment – I’ve had better turn. 

Ed. Note: There were a few problematic moves made this turn. The Germans should have given all the tanks Short Halt commands. The PzIICs are useless off board and should be up North. Meanwhile the French did not start moving everyone to the North until this turn. Secondly, they should have moved their one free AC closer to the Germans. Finally, the really screwed the pooch on the S-35 stack’s Move. Next Turn will be interesting. 

Next Week: Scenario #37 Replay Turn 4

Previous Articles:

Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37 Replay Part 1 — Introduction and Turn 1

Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37 Replay Part 2 — Turn 2

Brett Dedrick
Author: Brett Dedrick

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