Nevsky: Crusade on Novgorod Replay – Part 4

We continue in Part 4 with a close-up look at battle in Nevsky—Teutons and Rus in Collision and the Levy & Campaign system, as the Russian Lord Gavrilo advances to challenge the Teutonic invader.  You can find this series of articles’ Part 1 here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here.

Peloponnesian War Series Replay: Turn 4 (Final)

For those of you who have been following Mark’s “What Was Old is New Again” series covering Peloponnesian War design and strategy, please enjoy another selection from the years ago published Volume 28 #1 of The General. This four part article series is a replay of Peloponnesian War featuring Kevin Boylan as the Athenian Player, Doug Whatley as the Spartan Player, and Mark Herman as the Neutral Commentator. To read parts one, two, and three, follow the links here, here, and here. Enjoy! -Rachel

Manoeuvre Tournament Part One: Introduction

Sometime around the turn of the 19th century, on an alternate earth, the militaries of eight countries met to hold the first international wargame tournament. A series of seven mock battles were to be fought under conditions made as real as possible, with random assignment of opponents. Some came to test their skill, others to learn new tactics, and still others with an eye toward scouting the opposition in case of a real war. All came to compete, but only one nation would leave the games as the champion.

Hitler’s Reich: The Gist of the Game

Below is a short article from Mark Buetow (this can also be found on BGG) discussing Hitler’s Reich gameplay. Hopefully for some of you who have questions about the rulebook, this will clear a few things up. -Rachel

Note from Mark McLaughlin:

Hitler’s Reich line drop…unfortunately a key line from the rule book somehow is missing….when you finish your action (build a fort, place a fleet, fight a battle, vie for ownership of an event card), you refill your hand. Play a conflict card, take a card. It is there in the build a fort, place a fleet, and in the example of play sections, but somehow it got dropped from conflict, event and clean up. To remind people of this, and also in an attempt to say mea culpa, I offer this:

Community News: New Wargame League Website

The Wargame League:

Grognards and fellow wargamers!   Many of us are relegated to playing our favorite games using the left half of our brain against the right half. For those of you that cram in as much fun as you can over the 9 days of WBC or some of you trek to PREZCON, ORIGINS, or some other gathering. Many may even meet as a group at a hobby store, or other such gathering at a local venue. Whereas all of these things have merit, they miss the ability to reach out across the ether to engage those stalwart souls that also yearn for competition in the many games we have come to love.

Whereas some of those games can be played and resolved in a couple of hours face to face. Many that I will discuss here can take much more time than we can devote in a single sitting even if that is over a long weekend. Utilization of Vassal and email has led to the ability to play across long distances and provide the vehicle that prevent leaving a game set-up on a table for weeks or months.

To that end, The Wargame League will try to address these issues in several ways. First – the website will link to those intrepid souls that already run a ladder in a popular grognard like game; i.e. TRC, War at Sea, Waterloo, VITP, G88. Second – we will establish ladders for those grognard games that currently lack a separately run ladder; already established: Africa Korps; and soon to follow – Bitter Woods, Breakout Normandy, Thunder at Casino, Luftwaffe. Third – the website will expand to include games that include hidden movement such as the Victory Games Fleet series, as well as some larger and more complex games from GMT, MMP, Compass, SPI, and others.

Some of the anticipated additional ladder games suggested and now on the site include Normandy 44, Ukraine 43, Russia Besieged, Next War Korea, The Barbarossa Series, La Bataille de Quatre Bras, River of Death, Devils Cauldron and Day of Days among others.

In the meantime, I ask those of you that are interested to keep a look out for the web site: for updates. Additionally, you can email me at for more information and to suggest games to add to the ladder.

Good luck on your future games, and may the odds be always in your favor!

Jeff Lange

Skies Above the Reich 1942 Campaign AAR: Part 2

Recently, Bruce Geryk posted a detailed and well illustrated After Action Report of the 1942 Campaign of Skies Above the Reich on a Grognard Wargamer thread. We are presenting that AAR here as a series of articles with Bruce’s permission so readers can easily reference it in the future. Part 1 of this series can be found here. Enjoy! -Rachel

It’s All in the Cards: The Cards of Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea (Part 6 – Final)

In this article we continue to explore the event cards of Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea (ACIS). To read the previous five articles in this series, follow the links here, here, here, here, and here. We hope you’ve enjoyed this InsideGMT series thus far. 

Next War: Poland Video AAR (Part 6 – Final)

In Part 1 ,  Part 2Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 of  Joel’s video AAR of Next War: Poland, he covered the action during turns 1 -7 of the campaign game. In this article, we’ll pick up the action during turn 8 – the final turn. Enjoy! – Gene

Peloponnesian War Series Replay: Turn 3

For those of you who have been following Mark’s “What Was Old is New Again” seriescovering Peloponnesian War design and strategy, please enjoy another selection from the years ago published Volume 28 #1 of The General. This four part article series is a replay of Peloponnesian War featuring Kevin Boylan as the Athenian Player, Doug Whatley as the Spartan Player, and Mark Herman as the Neutral Commentator. To read parts one and two, follow the links here and here. Enjoy! -Rachel