FAB Crusader AAR: The Winter Battle of North Africa 1941 (Part 1)


Situation: The Allies reached their starting positions during November 18, now they are ready to attack. However, there are no signs of Axis units, except for some recon units which was driven away by own recon screen bolstered with a tank detachment. Due to lack of information on Axis positions, the Allied commander, General Cunningham decides that the three objectives for the initial phase of Operation Crusader will be Bir el Gubi, Sidi Rezegh and Sidi Omar. However, to relive the Tobruk Garrison is still the main objective. The Axis led by Erwin Rommel are unaware of the impeding attack and is focused on their own planned assault on Tobruk.

Apocalypse Road: The Essendarium — Part 1

Hello, over the next few articles I will be revealing the teams of Apocalypse Road, the cars and the stories behind the game, both fictional and real. These first few articles will be covering the various teams in Apocalypse Road and possibly some background on who is behind them and how they turned out the way they did. Some of the teams still have openings for sponsorships and I will make those clear in the story. In addition, I will be providing you a pathway to join the Thunderverse by sponsoring a driver or a team or even a track. I do this to allow you, the fan, to become a part of the game and at the same time provide a small revenue stream for Carla and myself that we use to print prototypes and attend conventions where we get more chances to interact with you. I will try to minimize these opportunities for those of you that are not interested in them. Thanks for your patience! – Jeff Horger

Carroll Burns the Bridge, Part 2: A Narrative-Style AAR for Death Valley’s Variant Cross Keys Scenario


This is the second installment in a three part series depicting a playtest for one of the Alt-History scenarios from Death Valley. The action here starts with the 1100 turn; see my previous article (found here) for the 0800-1000 turns.

The Dark Sands: AAR of Designer Solo Campaign Game (Part 4)

Below is the fourth part in an series of articles from designer Ted Raicer in which he shares an After Action Report of the Campaign Game of The Dark Sands. Parts 1, 2, and 3 can be found herehere, and here. Enjoy! -Rachel

Talon Tuesday Issue #46: Vassal Update for Talon

“Talon Tuesdays” is an article series appearing on InsideGMT periodically on Tuesdays.  It features articles from the Talon development team regarding the game’s design, development and release of the Talon 1000 expansion. Since Space Empires:4x Replicators is also releasing soon and there is crossover between the two development teams, Replicator articles will be featured as well.

Issue #46 Vassal Update for Talon – Stefano Tinè

Plains Indian Wars Turn by Turn: Sixth Draw Round

Welcome back to our ongoing game of Plains Indian Wars. The game is entering its sixth round of a 10-12 round game. As this turn opens the Union Pacific is making headway but the Indians are holding their own. The Settlers and Cavalry have made very little progress, Still the Wagon Trains are having great success. Only two have been captured while two more are on the verge of making it into the Rockies.

Fox 1! – A Red Storm Example of Play

The following is an excerpt from the Red Storm examples of play. This one covers air-to-air combat and is intended to help players learn the system by walking through a beyond visual range (BVR) and dogfight combat between a US F-4E Phantom II and a Soviet MiG-29A Fulcrum.

Wild Blue Yonder: Campaign Training Mission

Author’s Note: Almost all of the inspiration for the little mission in this article came from the excellent book Battle of Britain Voices: 37 Fighter Pilots Tell Their Extraordinary Stories, by Jonathan Reeve (Amberly Publishing, 2015). The introduction provided helpful notes on chronology and tactics, and some of the first-hand accounts provided further ideas on which planes to pit against each other. Reading books like this can really help the mind’s eye paint vivid action scenes when playing Wild Blue Yonder.

Plains Indian Wars Turn by Turn: Fifth Draw Round

Welcome back to our ongoing game of Plains Indian Wars. The game is entering its fifth round of a 10-12 round game. This round both players face minor defeats while railroad interests and wagon trains make the greatest gains. The faction discs are back in the bag and we’re ready to be drawn for the first draw. This is what the board looked like when last we left it.