Farewell, My Friend. R.I.P Richard H. Berg

“Bear with me;
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me.” – Mark Antony, from Shakespeare’s The Life and Death of Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene 2

This pic of Richard was taken in 1989, about a year before I met him. It’s a great one to show how he smiled with his eyes.

Norway 1940: Our Chief Weapon is Surprise

At long last, this project is complete. Protracted testing (and family health issues for me) led to seemingly interminable delays, and getting the semi-abstract land campaign right held up matters at the end. Developer Andrew Brazier and I feel the game is finally ready for publication, however, and with luck it will find its way into the production queue ere too long.

Space Empires Close Encounters: More Encounters

One of the (many!) best parts of the Space Empires: Close Encounters (CE) expansion was the addition of the empire advantages deck. If you are not familiar with the expansion, this deck gives players variable starting powers by having them play unique alien races—an aspect of modern sci-fi board games that seems to be almost a necessity for some. But while you are zooming through space as the House of Speed, making peace with deep-space aliens as the Amazing Diplomats, or bringing major hurt as the Star Wolves, you can bring even more close encounters into the game with a simple rules tweak, outlined below.

Battles of the American Revolution World Boardgame Championships 2019 AAR: Part 1

Below is the first in a 3-part AAR series from Mark Miklos covering the Battles of the American Revolution tournament at WBC 2019. Enjoy!

The Father Todd Buzzsaw! That’s the overarching theme of this year’s tournament. Father Todd Carter, a friend of the BoAR series since 2013, has been steadily improving his game and this was his year as you will read.

A total of 24 players competed in this year’s tournament including three players new to the BoAR series; Curtiss Fyock, Joe Chacon and Steve Packwood as well as William Riggs who had lapsed to the inactive list on the AREA rating not having played since 2014. We were happy to welcome them all to our group. This year’s format included a Swiss elimination of 5 heats with the top-8 players advancing to a single elimination quarter final.

Replicator Tuesday Issue #47: Vassal Update for Space Empires

Replicator Tuesdays is an article series appearing on InsideGMT. It features insights into the development of the 2nd expansion for the board wargame Space Empires: 4x by Jim Krohn.  Here the designer, developer and play testers will share their thoughts and experiences on this upcoming expansion. Since there is much crossover between the Space Empires and Talon development teams, both Space Empires and Talon articles will be featured in this series.

Issue #47: Vassal Update for Space Empires

Commands & Colors: Medieval vs Ancients Comparison Part 1: Major Changes

Below is another fantastic article from The Boardgames Chronicle this time discussing the similarities/differences between Commands & Colors: Ancients and Commands & Colors: Medieval. Enjoy! -Rachel

A Bonus Player Aid for Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea

Recently at WBC 2019, I ran multiple Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea (ACIS) learn to play sessions. All but one game had six civilizations participating with more than one player occasionally sharing control of a civilization, like Bridge partners, so everyone who stopped by the table and was interested in learning and playing the game had opportunity to do so. That meant DOZENS of gamers got to experience ACIS during WBC. A number of them said they’d visit the GMT Exhibit Booth to order the game while its P500 discount price still applied. As P500 sales increased since WBC that appears to be the case. Your patronage is appreciated.

Introducing Wing Leader: Origins

It’s time for another rodeo! A new Wing Leader expansion, the third, goes into pre-order! Here’s a quick introduction from the designer.

Wing Leader: Origins explores new corners of World War 2, such as Poland and the Netherlands, as well as pre-war battles, including China and Spain. I’ll be posting more on the content in the coming months, but in the meantime some questions answered:

Welcome to Frank Chadwick’s ETO Series Team!

Sometimes you just get lucky. Or maybe you’re just in the right place at the right time. Such was the case this past month when I attended John Kranz’s most excellent ConsimWorld Expo with my son Luke. On our first day at the Expo, I ran into Alan Emrich and Frank Chadwick. As most of you know, both of them are legends in this industry. To my surprise, they mentioned that due to Alan’s sale of VPG and a subsequent change of focus at that company that returned the series rights to Frank, they were looking for a new publisher for Frank’s ETO series.

A great Soviet counteroffensive in late autumn ’41