18 India: Mitigating Randomness (Part 2)

In the previous InsideGMT article, we shared how 18 India mitigates the randomness of the initial distribution of certificates in Francis Tresham’s 1829 Mainline. In this issue, we will discuss another mechanic tweak that further decreases the randomness found in 1829 Mainline while maintaining its unique fun.

“No Plan Survives Contact”: Playing Labyrinth: The Awakening (Part 2)

Below you will find the second in a four part article series from Elihu Feustel featuring a Labyrinth: The Awakening turn-by-turn playthrough. If you would like to read the first part in the series, that can be found here. Enjoy!

The British Way: Kenya

We continue our chronological coverage of the individual games in The British Way by moving on to the British counterinsurgency campaign in Kenya from 1952-1960, although the game only covers the most intensive years from 1952-1956. While the British were beginning to gain the initiative in Malaya, they responded to rising violence and unrest in Kenya’s Central Province by declaring a state of emergency and carrying out Operation Jock Scott, a mass arrest of moderate nationalists (including Jomo Kenyatta, who would later become the first president of Kenya after independence). However, Jock Scott failed to hit the main perpetrators of the rising violence, a collection of militant nationalists, who would form an insurgency against British rule commonly known as the Mau Mau.

The Last Hundred Yards Ladder Play After Action Report: Mission 24.0 — All for a Piece of Dirt

Below you will find the second in a series of After Action Report articles written by players participating in The Last Hundred Yards ladder play on BGG. You can find the first article in this series here. If you would like to participate in the LHY ladder play, please contact Mark Buetow through the LHY Facebook page or on BGG. Enjoy!

Cross Bronx Expressway: Modeling History Through City-Building

The map for Cross Bronx Expressway shows eight out of twelve community board districts in the southern section of the Bronx. A few communities in the city of New York, in the state of New York, in the country of the United States, on this planet we call Earth. The game zooms into this small corner of urban life, in an effort to simulate the historic changes that happened in cities across the globe during the second half of the 20th century. Examining the effects of these changes on the South Bronx reveals many of the issues that arose during this period.

The Last Hundred Yards Ladder Play After Action Report: Mission 9 — A Tough Nut to Crack

Below you will find the first in a series of After Action Report articles written by players participating in The Last Hundred Yards ladder play on BGG. If you would like to participate in the LHY ladder play, please contact Mark Buetow through the LHY Facebook page or on BGG. Enjoy!

18 India: Mitigating Randomness (Part 1)

In the previous InsideGMT article, we mentioned that some of Tresham’s mechanics for 1829 Mainline contained randomness that we did not enjoy. In this article, let’s discuss those mechanics and what we did to preserve their flavor, while also managing to mitigate the random elements.

As we have made our way along the 18 India journey, we’ve heard from players how this mechanic, or that mechanic, is “like 18Africa”. The fact of the matter is that these mechanics are really “like 1829 Mainline”. Our theory is that since 1829 Mainline is not as widely available many players simply haven’t experienced 1829 Mainline and are, therefore, unaware of its influence on 18Africa.

With GMT Games now printing 18 India, we hope that more players can discover 1829 Mainline’s mechanics, or at least our implementation of them, and find enjoyment in the experience.

The British Way: Malaya

In our last InsideGMT article we covered the British counterinsurgency campaign in Palestine between 1945-1947. Just as the British were withdrawing from Palestine, labor unrest was rising in the British colony of Malaya. In July 1948, the British declared a state of emergency against the rising unrest and violence being organized by the Malayan Communist Party (MCP). The British Way: Malaya covers this conflict, one of the most famous counterinsurgency victories of the 20th century. The British campaign between 1948-1960 is still used as a model for Western counterinsurgency theory, and other counterinsurgency campaigns during the Cold War tried to emulate the British success in defeating the MCP. This article will highlight some of the major mechanics and themes covered in The British Way: Malaya.