“Rocks & Shoals”: Navigating Infernal Machine’s New Orleans Action Board — Part 1

The New Orleans Action Board is the setting for the “brown water” naval battles, fought for control of the Mississippi River during the American Civil War.

Part One: South from the Crescent City

Though it is not shown on the Action Board, the key to this conflict is New Orleans, Louisiana. Known as the “Crescent City” for the shape of its “Vieux Carre,” New Orleans grew from the French colonial settlement that today still clings to the north bank of the Mississippi River.

By 1861, New Orleans had grown into one of the largest port cities on the North American continent.

In the 1860’s the River’s main channel at New Orleans reached down over 50 feet (9 fathoms), deep enough that overseas shipping and other commercial traffic could sail up from the Gulf of Mexico to dock almost at the local merchants’ front door.

For the Confederacy, possession of New Orleans and its control of the Mississippi River was essential to the South’s survival as a nation.

Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37 Replay Part 5 — Turn 5 & Final Thoughts

Below you will find the fifth and final part in a series of articles from Brett Dedrick featuring a playthrough of Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37: Delaying Action at Ernage. The first four parts can be found here. Enjoy!

The Eight Games of Vijayanagara: The Bots Have Risen

The base game of Vijayanagara is a raucous three-player event set in medieval India. But we all know the feeling of not having the right player count in a given moment to pull a particular game off the shelf. Or maybe a player has to leave the game early, or you prefer to do your interactive history exploration alone over a cup of tea, savoring the decisions at precisely the right pace.

If any of these scenarios sound familiar, you may be pleased to hear that we have been very hard at work on cutting, sanding, and polishing three Non-Player Factions (bots), capable of running each of the player Factions in the game when you need them to step in. The bots are card-driven, similar to the Arjuna system for Gandhi, the Tru’ng system for Fire in the Lake, and the upcoming Calixto system for Cuba Libre, but streamlined and tailored for Vijayanagara.

Chief among the design goals for the bots was to retain the overarching narrative of the game in any configuration, while also seeking to create a streamlined interaction. After a lot of great playtesting efforts from the community and continual improvements, we are feeling pretty excited about where things stand.

Book & Game Pairings from Clio’s Board Games: Four Princes and Here I Stand

Back to the book & game pairings to educate and entertain about a certain historical topic! After our kickoff with the Eastern Front of World War II, we’ll go a little bit further back in time, landing in the early 16th century: The Reformation is shaking up Europe, and powerful rulers try to make the most of these turbulent times… both in Four Princes (John Julius Norwich) and Here I Stand (Ed Beach, GMT Games).

Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37 Replay Part 4 — Turn 4

Below you will find the fourth in a series of articles from Brett Dedrick featuring a playthrough of Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37: Delaying Action at Ernage. The first three parts can be found here. Enjoy!

Two New Designer Interviews for Borikén: The Taíno Resistance

Hi Everyone!

Today we would like to point you to a couple of excellent video interviews with Julio E. Nazario, designer of one of GMT’s newest P500 additions, Borikén: The Taíno Resistance.

The first interview, streamed on May 7th from the Bonding with Board Games and RPGs YouTube channel, covered many topics including why Julio decided to design this game, in-depth descriptions of the game board, the three different stand-alone scenarios, and the complexity and mechanics. Here is an excerpt:

The Lair of the Infernal Machine: A Tour of Breach Inlet, South Carolina

After visiting Director Kellen Butler at the Lasch Conservation Center and seen the H.L. Hunley itself being painstakingly and lovingly restored, I needed to learn more about the locations  where those involved in unleashing the Hunley upon the Union Navy blockading Charleston Harbor did their good work.

Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37 Replay Part 3 — Turn 3

Below you will find the third in a series of articles from Brett Dedrick featuring a playthrough of Panzer Expansion #4 Scenario #37: Delaying Action at Ernage. Parts 1 and 2 can be found here and here. Enjoy!

An Extended Example of Play: Or, How Insurgency and Soviet Atrocities are Represented in Bear Trap

In this InsideGMT article, we’ll play through a few turns of Bear Trap.

The following playthrough is designed to demonstrate a few different aspects of the game, and to give you a basic sense of what it’s like to play—it’s not meant to be a demonstration of good play by the players.

In what follows, I won’t explain the game rules in detail. Instead, I’ll focus on describing what the players are doing. Insurgent play will be in green text, while Soviet play will be in red text, but I’ll also offer some commentary in italics. In all images here, all blocks are face up only for illustrative purposes; in an actual game, you would only be able to see the sticked side of your own blocks (until enemy blocks are committed in combat).

If you’re unfamiliar with the mechanics of how the game works, check out this prior InsideGMT article which provides an overview of gameplay, or take a look at the draft rulebook and player-aid (both on GMT’s product page for the game). Finally, note that the graphic design and artwork used here are for playtest purposes only and isn’t indicative of what the final artwork and layout will be like for the game when published. (What we have works fine for playtest purposes, but the GMT art department will eventually do a great job of creating something beautiful with a natural look that supports the gameplay.)

For this example of play, we’ll tune in about halfway through the game. The players have so far undergone 3 reshuffles and the Soviet player is getting close to their next reshuffle. A game of Bear Trap lasts up to 7 reshuffles, but can end earlier if a player satisfies their victory condition.

No Quiet On The Eastern Front: An “Illusions of Glory” AAR

An IoG player sporting the Nom de Guerre of “LeftSide” posted an interesting AAR re-printed below. But first, a link to IoG’s April 2022 Living Rules has been inserted on the game’s webpage here. The April 2022 Living Rules address applying combat losses and building trenches.

LeftSide posted a Summer 1914 Turn (Turn 1) AAR for as follows: