In Downfall Preview 2 the Soviet faction began the game by playing their “Operation Uranus” action card to resolve a free attack order. Since doing so had no initiative cost, the Soviets retain the initiative and may now select a Soviet order marker. As previously stated, the Soviet Partisan Warfare order and STAVKA order are available on the Action Track, as is the Attack order in the Soviet Planning Box.
SPQR: A Guide to Playing the Game — Part 1
The idea for this article came about after dusting off the C3I SPQR Player’s Guide published so many years ago and reading it from cover to cover. That handy guide is useful, even though outdated in a few places, in helping SPQR players understand and play the game better. The Players Guide, however, is a series of articles on a range of topics including some new scenarios but does not look at the play of the game in a wholistic manner. This guide is intended to present the game through an explanation of its rules and using one of the games more popular scenarios as a case study.
The method of presentation is one I would use in explaining the game to a new player. The discussion follows the Sequence of Play but pulls rules from anywhere in the rule book to support the explanation. I go into greater detail in some areas, less in others, and occasionally send the reader directly to the rulebook.
This article is structured into major topic sections, most of which are further divided into subsections, primarily to break up the text. I have attempted to keep cross references to internal sections to a minimum but have made copious references to the SPQR rules and play aids to support the discussion. All rule references are to the SPQR 4th Edition rules as amended by the errata dated October 2022 unless noted otherwise. After explaining the rules, I have added a section to address the often heard “what do I do” question once the game is setup. The final section has an extensive example of play covering the opening action on one wing of the Heraclea battlefield.
Let’s begin.
Infernal Machine: The Torpedo Boat during the Civil War – Part Four – the “Squib” class Torpedo Boats at Trent’s Reach, January 1865
News of the CSS “Squib” torpedo boat’s semi-success in its attack on the Union Navy’s Squadron anchored at Hampton Roads, Virginia met with enthusiastic response from the Confederate Secretary of the Navy, Stephen Mallory.
Great Battles of History vs Commands & Colors – Battle of Callinicum (531 AD)
As I had a pleasure of playing in short succession the Byzantine Battle of Callinicum (531 AD) using both Mark Herman Great Battles of History (GBoH) and then Richard Borg Commands Colors Medieval (CCM) I would like to share not-so-typical after action report. Yes, I will look into the details of the engagement, historical result, how it went on the board and what result was. But I will also do the comparison of how it feels to play with both systems. Should be fun!
Battle of the Pyramids: Napoleon in Egypt – Full Turn Example of Play (Part 1)
July 1st, 1798. 35,000 French soldiers landed in Alexandria. Where to next? In this series of articles, we will highlight mechanics of the Napoleon in Egypt game by simulating the first Turn of the Campaign Scenario.
The French Player is the first to go every Turn. This is especially important on that very first Turn, as they have a chance to strike hard using their overwhelming initial forces. The most classical opening is to recreate the “Battle of the Pyramids”. Cairo being four Spaces away from Alexandria, the French Player needs to play a card worth at least 4 AP to do that but they have a better idea.
Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich Preview 2 — The Soviets Attack
In our first article we introduced the design features of Chad Jensen’s strategic game on the three years that ended World War II in Europe. Now we will zoom into the mechanics of Orders, Action Cards and Combat by walking through a typical game opening. The Soviet faction begins the game with the initiative and so will go first.
Shown here is a portion of the map, with the initial set up reflecting the situation on the eastern front in November 1942. Red units are Soviets. All other units are the German and Axis-Allied nations making up the OKH faction.
Infernal Machine: The Torpedo Boat during the Civil War – Part Three – the CSS ”Squib” and its Attack on the USS “Minnesota”
The years 1863 and 1864 were a busy time for Southern inventors interested in creating a weapon that would give the Confederacy parity of a sort with the much larger and more numerous naval vessels of the United States Navy.
Undoubtedly, when inventors such as Charleston’s Dr. St. Julien Ravenel and Theodore Stoney created their CSS “David” torpedo boat, it was thoughts in equal part of both profit and patriotism that guided their minds and hands.
Podcast: Harold on Games Interview with Mark Miklos
Below is a great interview from Harold Buchanan of the Harold on Games podcast with BoAR series designer Mark Miklos. In this interview, they discuss the upcoming BoAR Series game White Plains, the new American Revolution Tri-Pack including Monmouth, Germantown, Newtown and Oriskany, and lots more! Enjoy! -Rachel
Advance Copy Preview – INFERNO: Levy & Campaign Volume III
Printers are whirring away on Levy & Campaign Volume III Inferno! Here Volko shares a gander at an advance copy in action on his game table.
With my proof copy in hand, I set up for the world’s first-ever session of Inferno on a finished set – Scenario B “In Far Vendetta”, the second of six scenarios in the box.
Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles Session Report – Second Kondonai 1564 AD
We are continuing with Lukasz our series of C&C Samurai Battles games. Usually as consecutive, geographically or chronologically connected sets of scenarios. Today I am presenting a two-day battle, which you can play as mini-campaign, where results of first engagement directly influence the second. I am talking about Second Kondonai 1564 AD.
Enjoy the picture-rich session report plus historical background!