On Victory Conditions and Playing the French in Liberty or Death

VICTORY CONDITIONS How could the French or Indians win the American Revolution? If you define winning the game as controlling North America in some way – they can’t. But the question for me is a broader question: How can these Factions, each important to the outcome of the conflict, win their situation? With that question […]

On Victory Conditions and Playing the French in Liberty or Death Read Post »

Designer Blogs

MBT – Helicopters in Action

We’re thrilled that MBT (along with a reprint of the sold-out Panzer) is now in our production queue for late 2015/early 2016. Clearly, a lot of you play and like Panzer, and the MBT P500 numbers have been very good, as well. As we near getting this game into our final art and production stages, we

MBT – Helicopters in Action Read Post »

Examples of Play

The Art of Wing Leader

Flame wars, don’cha love ‘em? Gets the blood up. Keeps me alive and truckin’. This post begins with one of those online feuds in which grown men rhetorically whack each other round the head with saucepans until one side is exhausted or goes completely loopy and starts chewing the walls. In this fight my opponent’s parting

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Designer Blogs

Comparing Labyrinth II with Twilight Struggle

Many consider Labyrinth a transition game from Twilight Struggle to the COIN series that followed.  In several ways, the Labyrinth II: The Awakening 2010-? expansion takes us back to its Twilight Struggle roots.  This article will highlight the similarities between the Labyrinth II expansion and TS. When I first introduced the idea of designing an Arab

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Designer Blogs

(Re) Designing the User Interface for Digital Dominant Species

Most of you probably know the back story of our long journey to create an updated version of our Dominant Species for iPad game. We haven’t talked about it much of late, mostly because we didn’t have much to tell you except “we’re working on it.” But in the background, after two successive developers had

(Re) Designing the User Interface for Digital Dominant Species Read Post »

Digital Versions of our Games

Random Event Cards for the 2nd Edition of Conquest of Paradise

We’ve been listening to those of you who’ve been telling us that you want and need to see more specific information about the content of the games on our P500 Reprint list. What has changed? Why is it better? Can I get an upgrade kit? And so on…. So this year we’re making a concerted

Random Event Cards for the 2nd Edition of Conquest of Paradise Read Post »

Designer Blogs, Development Updates

Changes and Updates to Normandy ’44

Normandy ’44 is one of two Mark Simonitch designs (Ukraine ’43 is the other) that we are reprinting this spring. Mark’s games are known among wargamers as gamer-friendly labors of love, a result of his passion and commitment to combining historical accuracy with elegant game systems. Mark has taken the opportunity afforded by the reprint

Changes and Updates to Normandy ’44 Read Post »

Designer Blogs, Development Updates

Silent Victory: The Hunters goes to the Pacific

Silent Victory: U.S. Submarines in the Pacific, 1941–45, is the upcoming release from Consim Press, and is currently available for preorder (approaching the 1,100 preorder mark — thank you!). This game marks the continuation of The Hunters, which has been well received and is now available in its Second Printing. In this blog post, we

Silent Victory: The Hunters goes to the Pacific Read Post »

Consim Press, Development Updates

Fields of Despair – The Economic System

In this blog post, I’d like to introduce you to the economic system found in Fields of Despair: France 1914-1918. Its development over the years has been one of my most enjoyable design tasks and one that receives a lot of positive feedback. Simple enough not to get in the way game play while important

Fields of Despair – The Economic System Read Post »

Designer Blogs
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