Apocalypse Road AAR: Full Metal Jacket Derby at Black Widow Hollow (Part 4 and Final)

The following article, “The End” is Part 4 in an Apocalypse Road After Action Report series from Stig Morten Breiland. To read Parts 1, 2, and 3, go here, here, and here.

Joining the COIN Family – People Power’s Journey from Concept to Reality

Welcome to the first article about People Power, Insurgency in the Philippines, 1983-1986, Volume XI of GMT’s popular COIN series! This journey started almost as soon as the first COIN volume – Andean Abyss was released back in 2012. It was designer Volko Ruhnke’s third published design, and I was already a big fan of his previous contributions: Wilderness War and Labyrinth. I saw Wilderness War as another brilliant CDG (as he himself admitted, it was an adaptation of Mark Herman’s We the People) But it was with Labyrinth, where Volko modified the standard CDG mechanics, that Volko really showed me that he just wasn’t an adapter of popular game systems, but also an innovative designer willing to take risks and see them through. One of those risks I respect is the willingness to take on obscure topics such as the French and Indian War and even more precariously, the War on Terror. Colombia and the War on Drugs was probably an even more unpopular topic in the eyes of some, but I had read Mark Bowden’s Killing Pablo as well as watched the documentary that followed later so as far as I was concerned, I could not wait for the release of Andean Abyss.

Battles of the Warrior Queen – Mini-Campaign Scenario

Below is an mini-campaign scenario for Battles of the Warrior Queen that comes from one of our customers, Vladimir Vladov. While the GMT-version scenario intends to recreate and simulate historical events, the mini-campaign scenario that Vladimir and his friends used simulates all three battles in succession as part of a whole campaign. He was happy to share this scenario with us and with all of you so feel free to use it and enjoy! -Rachel

The Space of Revolution (1989, #4)

Below you will find the fourth in a series of articles from Clio of Clio’s Board Games. The article is Part 4 in a planned series that looks at the fall of Communism through the lens of GMT’s 1989. Hope you enjoy the article! -Rachel

Second Edition Wing Leader: Should You Purchase?

When a second edition of a game comes three years after the first, any explanation as to why turns into an extended mea culpa. I have to sell you, the punter, on why you want to drop your hard-earned dough on the new edition of Wing Leader: Victories.

The State of Crisis: Setting the Stage for Flashpoint: South China Sea

“The state of crisis is the real war; the equilibrium is nothing but its reflex.” -Carl von Clausewitz

War and peace are no longer binary. The US and its peers are now frequently operating in the gray zone between war and peace. This is the case in the South China Sea where China moves aggressively to solidify territorial claims and influence other claimants. The Chinese, by keeping their actions below the threshold of war, limit the US military response. Tensions increase and decrease based on the actions and responses of the participants. Next moves must be measured in the context of their impact on tensions.