Apocalypse Road – What’s in a Name

So far on InsideGMT we have covered the design process and how Carla and I managed to get from Thunder Alley to Apocalypse Road. We have discussed why we did it. We wrote about mistakes that we made. We have written about the “eureka” moments of finding not only what works but what works and is also cool. And we have described how the game plays. Stig has guided us through a pretty extensive After Action Report that highlighted many of the features of the game. Thanks Stig. To be honest I’m wracking my brain to find mechanical topics to write about. It really appears that the details are out there. For me the key now is to get this game into the market and let it speak for itself. That is going to require me to find some way to convert a few more of you into backers that will hop on the P500 and make this thing take-off.

Skies Above the Reich 1942 Campaign AAR: Part 1

Recently, Bruce Geryk posted a detailed and well illustrated After Action Report of the 1942 Campaign of Skies Above the Reich on a Grognard Wargamer thread. We are presenting that AAR here as a series of articles with Bruce’s permission so readers can easily reference it in the future. Enjoy! -Rachel

It’s All in the Cards: The Cards of Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea (Part 5)

In this article we continue to explore the event cards of Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea (ACIS). To read the previous four articles in this series, follow the links hereherehere, and here. We hope you’ve enjoyed this InsideGMT series thus far. 

Peloponnesian War Series Replay: Turn 2

For those of you who have been following Mark’s “What Was Old is New Again” series covering Peloponnesian War design and strategy, please enjoy another selection from the years ago published Volume 28 #1 of The General. This four part article series is a replay of Peloponnesian War featuring Kevin Boylan as the Athenian Player, Doug Whatley as the Spartan Player, and Mark Herman as the Neutral Commentator. To read part one, follow the link here. Enjoy! -Rachel

GMT’s Battles of the American Revolution Tournament at WBC 2018

Friends of the BoAR Series,

We’re now just four weeks away from WBC 2018 and I wanted to report on what we have planned for GMT’s Battles of the American Revolution tournament this year. Those of you that regularly check our folder on Consimworld or follow our Facebook page may already know some of this information. A refresher never hurts and I want to be sure those that don’t routinely get our posts will have everything they need to make a quality decision.

Peloponnesian War Series Replay: Turn 1

For those of you who have been following Mark’s “What Was Old is New Again” series covering Peloponnesian War design and strategy, please enjoy another selection from the years ago published Volume 28 #1 of The General. This four part article series is a replay of Peloponnesian War featuring Kevin Boylan as the Athenian Player, Doug Whatley as the Spartan Player, and Mark Herman as the Neutral Commentator. Enjoy! -Rachel

Replicator Tuesday Issue #45: After Action Report

Replicator Tuesdays is an article series appearing on InsideGMT. It features insights into the development of the 2nd expansion for the board wargame Space Empires:4x by Jim Krohn.  Here the designer, developer and play testers will share their thoughts and experiences on this upcoming expansion. Since there is much crossover between the Space Empires and Talon development teams, both Space Empires and Talon articles will be featured in this series.

Issue #45: After Action Report

This is an After Action Report of one of the Solitaire Playtest Games that I conducted for the Space Empires: Replicators Expansion

Next War: Poland Video AAR (Part 5)

In Part 1 ,  Part 2Part 3, and Part 4 of  Joel’s video AAR of Next War: Poland, he covered the action during turns 1 -6 of the campaign game. In this article, we’ll pick up the action during turn 7. Enjoy! – Gene

Nevsky: Crusade on Novgorod Replay – Part 3

Continuing our detailed exposition of gameplay in Nevsky—Teutons and Rus in Collision. Part 3 covers storming an enemy garrison—including our first closeup look at the nature of forces and fortifications in the Levy & Campaign system. Part 1 here. Part 2 here. Note: All images below are playtest images, not final art.

We are within the Campaign portion of the 40-Day game turn. The Teutons have their final Command Activation, which will be Hermann, currently Besieging the Russian border Fort of Izborsk.

Hermann issues the final Teutonic Commands of the first 40 days.