Next War: Korea Scenario – Regime Change

  16.2.7 Regime Change Scenario

Rather than facing a foe which is disintegrating in front of them as in the Collapse! Scenario, this scenario depicts a situation in which the U.S. and ROK have decided that enough is enough, and the regime in North Korea needs to be changed. To that end, they’ve decided to build-up and invade. The Commonwealth has opted out, but, with world tensions high, both China and Russia may step in to even the odds…

This scenario is intended for two players and uses only the North map. Use the new Series rules released with Next War: Taiwan and available via the Support Site. (This scenario is also available at that site as a PDF.)

Allied Scenario Specifications

Use the setup information as outlined in the Extended Buildup scenario with the exceptions noted below:

  1. No Commonwealth or Japanese units are set up or used in the scenario.
  2. Any unit which would normally set up on the South Map is, instead, placed on the south map edge in the full or partial hex which has the same two starting numbers of its setup hex. U.S. 2nd ID units may start in any friendly hex. The ROK 1st Marine Division may set up in any friendly Port. The ROK 23/VIII division sets up in 4922.
  3. U.S. reinforcements (see 4 below) may start in any friendly hex. USN/USMC units may start in any At Sea Box, friendly hex, or Japan. Use the updated Master Allied Reinforcement Table from Next War: Taiwan for all reinforcements.
  4. The Allied player may choose to receive more rows of reinforcements starting from “L”, i.e., if he chooses 3 additional rows, he may start with Reinforcement rows A-N. For every additional 3 rows (or part thereof), the PRC (only) intervention rolls receive an additional -1 DRM. Adjust the incoming reinforcement schedule as appropriate to start with the next row not chosen.

DPRK Scenario Specifications

Use the setup information as outlined in the Extended Buildup scenario with the exceptions noted below:

  1. Do not set up the DPRK AMPHs.
  2. The DPRK does not receive Tunnel markers.

Scenario Special Rules

1. International Posture: Do not use the International Posture Matrix; however, Japan will provide 2 Supply Points every turn.

2. Sea Control: Use the Sea Control rules and charts from Next War: Taiwan. All Inshore Boxes are non-Allied controlled at start. All At Sea Boxes are Allied controlled at start. PRC naval units do not have to retreat nor do they receive a Strike 1 marker for not retreating from the Yellow Sea At Sea box if the Allies retake control.  Likewise, Russian naval units do not have to retreat nor does it receive a Strike 1 marker for not retreating from the Sea of Japan At Sea Box if the Allies retake control. Roll for the Yellow Sea only if the PRC has intervened. Roll for the Sea of Japan only if RU has intervened.

3. U.S. Budget Cuts: Remove the 4th BCT from each U.S. division. Exception: Remove the 3rd BCT from the 25th Division. Add 2 U.S. Replacement Points for each division HQ on the map including Reinforcements when they arrive. Players with Next War: Taiwan ignore this rule and use the units from that game.

4. Intervention: China and Russia may intervene on the side of the DPRK as detailed below:

4a. China Provoked: China intervenes as per with two exceptions: (1) the roll is made in each UN Resolution segment if an Allied unit is north of the DMZ and not in a DMZ hex, and (2) they intervene on a 0 or less. Apply a -1 DRM for every 20 VPs of difference between the sides (and see Allied Scenario Specifications #4). If Russia has intervened, add 3 to the roll. See the PRC Scenario Specifications for details on entry.

4b. PRC Entry: PRC units may enter the map along the north map edge in any eligible movement phase. PRC Naval units may enter directly in to the Yellow Sea In-Shore Box or the At Sea Box. No PRC air units may base in the DPRK. The PRC Marine units may be carried by AMPHs. The 1st Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Division (1st Group Army) may, once per game, use a special type of Sea Movement to be placed in any PRC controlled port or beachhead in the Yellow Sea Zone during any eligible, non-Storm turn movement phase (as a Contested Move).

4c. PRC Airmobile: The PRC player may trace Airmobile movement of 17 hexes from N2000 or 21 hexes from N3800 or regularly from any friendly Airbase/Airfield.

4d. PRC Air Transport Limits: The PRC Air Transport Limit is 1.

4e. PRC Paradrop: The PRC may Paradrop one Airborne Division (or equivalent) per turn.

4f. PRC Attack Helicopters: The PRC Zhi-10s are based off-map. They can be based from either N2000 or N3800. Place the Helos just off map next to one of these hexes. Range can be traced as follows: 7 hexes from N2000 or 11 hexes from N3800 (including the start hex). They may Rebase onto the map normally with the range restrictions above.

4g. PRC Supply: The PRC must use one of its initial MSUs to establish a Supply Depot in any road hex adjacent to the north map edge. Once this is established, this becomes the primary Supply Source for all PRC units and operates normally except that it can never be voluntarily removed. The PRC may only trace supply to this Supply Depot and/or any Beachhead. PRC Supply Points may only be used for PRC units.

4h. The “Auld Alliance”: Russia may intervene under the same conditions as China; however, they must roll a 0 or less. Subtract one from the die roll for every 20 VPs of difference between the sides. If the PRC has intervened, add 3 to the roll.

4i. Russian Entry: All Russian forces are immediately available. Russian naval units (and naval infantry/armor) may start in the Sea of Japan At Sea box. Otherwise, all Russian ground units start in Hamhung/Hungnam off-map box. Place all Russian air units in the Russia Basing Box. The Russians start with 12 Cruise Missile points.

4j. Russian Airmobile: Russian units may use DPRK Airmobile Points.

4k. Russian Air Transport: The Russian Air Transport Limit is 2.

4l. Russian Paradrop: The Russians may Paradrop both Airborne divisions once per turn.

4m. Basing Boxes: The Allied player may conduct SOF Raids, Air Strikes, and Cruise Missile strikes vs. the PRC and Russian Basing Boxes. Consider it to be an unoccupied Airbase in Rough terrain. Place Strike markers as normal and roll for appropriate Collateral Damage, but it can never be Destroyed.  Both Basing Boxes use the following values for Air Defense:  Detection – 6, SAM – 7, AAA – 2.

4n. Air Ranges: Russian Medium range air units may fly missions 10 hexes from any coastal hex on the East Sea inclusive. Long range units my fly missions anywhere.

4o. Russian Supply: The Russians use the DPRK supply system including Supply Points.

5. The Fearless Leader Demands Action: The DPRK player must assign, at the least, every air unit which has only an air combat rating to Air Superiority every turn. In addition, the DPRK player must make at least one attack in each Combat Segment.

6. Naval Detection: Ignore Naval Detection rules until either China or Russia intervenes.

7. SCUD Hunting: During each First Strike Phase, the DPRK player allocates and resolves any available SCUDs as the last step in the Strike Phase.

8. Initiative: The Allies have the initiative on GTs 1 and 2.

9. Surprise: The Allies receive one column shift right when attacking in the first Combat Segment.

10. Initiative VPs: 18. VPs are tracked solely to determine Initiative and as potential DRMs for Chinese or Russian entry.

11. No Automatic Victory: Do not roll for Automatic Victory.

12. UN Mandate: Do not make UN Resolution die rolls.

13. First Strike: The DPRK does not receive a pre-game SCUD attack. Instead, the U.S. may fire five free Cruise Missile attacks before the game starts (do not reduce Cruise Missile Points).

14. Series Rules: All of the latest series rules are in effect. Use the NWT GSR to determine air unit and helicopter rebuilds.

15. Victory Conditions: Whichever side controls all urban hexes of Pyongyang at the end of 16 Game Turns wins.

PRC Scenario Specifications

Allocations: 60 Supply Points; 4 Airmobile Points; 4 Special Forces counters; 2 MSUs; 10 Cruise Missile Points; Sea Transport Limit: 3 (use DPRK marker)

Replacements: 2 per turn

Setup: 1 x AMPH, 1 x SAG, 1 Marine Inf Bde, 43rd Airborne Division, 1 x J-10, 1 x J-11B, 1 x J-20,2 x Su-30MKK, 39th GA, 1 x Zhi-10 set up off the north map edge.

Reinforcement Schedule: All other PRC air, ground and naval units are placed near the map ready to enter according to the following schedule:

GT1 1 x AMPH, 1 x CVBG, 2 Marine Arm Bde, 44th Airborne Division,  1 x JF-17, Su-30 [NWT*], 2 x Cruise Missile
GT2 1st Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Division, 40th GA, 1 x Zhi-10, 1 x SOF, 1 x J-10, 1 x J-16 [NWT*], 2 x Cruise Missile
GT3 45th Airborne Division, 1 x SOF, 1 x Cruise Missile
GT4 38th GA, 1 x Su-30 [NWT*], 2 x Cruise Missile
GT5 12th GA, 1 x SOF, 1 x J-11 [NWT*], 1 x Cruise Missile Point
GT6 1st GA, 1 x Cruise Missile
GT7+ 1 x SOF every odd turn, 1 x Cruise Missile each turn

* Players who do not own Next War: Taiwan will not be able to receive all the PRC Air Unit reinforcements.

Mitchell Land
Author: Mitchell Land

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2 thoughts on “Next War: Korea Scenario – Regime Change

  1. I’ve posted a play aid in the Support Site folder called “RegimeChangeSouthMapPlayAid.jpg”. This can be used in lieu of setting up the South map in order to allow the non-Allied side to conduct Theater Weapon strikes at the Airbases/Airfields, and it can be used to relieve some overcrowding for the Allied Attack Helictopers. Enjoy!