NEVSKY and ALMORAVID Quickstart Scenarios

The Levy & Campaign team presents an option to jump more quickly into the action in Volume I or Volume II of the Series. Feedback welcome! …

We figured out only recently that we could readily help overcome one of the principal barriers to entry into the Levy & Campaign Series: the challenge of conducting a Levy and then planning a Campaign when a player has never seen a Campaign in the system unfold. 

Levy in these games regards preparation for moving and fighting with your forces over the coming 40 days (for example) by Mustering a variety of Lords, Vassals, Transport, and special Capabilities. Planning involves committing to a certain order for your Lords (your maneuver elements) to undertake actions, by stacking Command cards into a “Plan”. Both of these segments of play—and especially Levy—offer a plethora of options, and the decisions that the players make will be likely to shape their success or failure for that turn. But it is near impossible to envision how a Campaign might unfold, in order to plan for it, if a player has not experienced that at least once.

So, linked below are draft “Quickstart” setups for the short introductory scenarios that come with Volumes I and II, Nevsky and Almoravid. The setups account for what players might have done in the Levy and Planning parts of the first turn of each two-turn scenario. So new players can set up and jump right into learning how Lords issue Commands to gather Assets, March, Ravage, Siege, and Battle. The setups also happen to align roughly with the historical opening moves of each conflict, though more of that will depend on what Commands the players will issue.

Please be advised that these Quickstart setups are in draft, not yet fully tested. So, if you try either of them out, we would be eager to hear any feedback that you may have, particularly via the Levy & Campaign Discord channel, where all the designer, development, and test teams can read it. Enjoy!

Nevsky Quickstart (PDF) – Updated as of 1/17/22

Almoravid Quickstart (PDF) – Updated as of 1/17/22

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