Introduction by ACME Game Developer Fred Schachter: The previous part 2 of this series examined the game’s Great Person Competition cards. We now proceed to cards whose function is not overt on the game map… the “Spy” cards of Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East whose shadow role occurs before a turn’s first Competition is resolved!
GREAT PERSON “SPY” CARDS: Since these five cards provide ability to review some or all contents of another Civilization’s card hand; it is obviously best to employ such a “spy” early during a turn to maximize the potential intelligence gained; and with some of these cards, an opportunity to acquire an addition to your own hand to the victim’s distress!
First, to get readers “into the mood”, is a designer’s note from Mark McLaughlin:
Seductress: This is the sole “spy” card which provides a limit to the number of cards which may be examined from another Civilization’s hand. However, it does provide you a mina… just don’t question her about the source of that lucre she’s giving you.
Diplomat: With this “spy” it costs you a mina, but in return the card player gets perfect intelligence of another Civilization’s entire hand.
The Eyes of the King: This is a powerful card since the card player gets full intelligence of all cards comprising another Civilization’s hand.
However, there’s more. After examining those cards you must take one for incorporation into your own Civilization’s hand! Be a nice King and steal a somewhat inconsequential card or take one which engenders the potentially vengeful wrath of your victim?
Decisions, decisions… which is an ACME Fate card play hallmark!
Dancer of the 7 Veils: Playing this card on another player’s Civilization puts that person on the horns of a dilemma (for which you’ll earn no gratitude)… although there’s no dilemma at all if the victim lacks two mina in their treasury. So timing is key when considering when and to whom to play this card against.
For without that potential two mina payment, a reward for the dancer’s fine performance (use your imagination, eh?), this “spy” card becomes the same as The Eyes of the King. You get to examine all the cards in another Civilization’s hand and take one of choice into your card hand.
The Maker of Deals: This, in the opinion of many ACME play testers, is one of the most powerful cards in the game whose play can provoke enmity despite the victim receiving a mina or card in return for each card stolen (although you’re not compelled to take two cards… just one suffices the card player’s obligation).
If you choose to suffer the likely ill will consequences of playing this “spy” card; it is an excellent one for diminishing the Victory Point game leader and bringing that player down a notch. A game leader with a big VP lead should understand that taking two cards from him/her is “nothing personal, just business”. Say that with a sincere smile on your face… or at least try to.
Coming up… Part 4 of this article series’ Chapter One: Great Person “Power, Money (Mina) & VP” Cards (the “Movers & Shakers” of the world of Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East)!
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