Introducing Wing Leader: Origins

It’s time for another rodeo! A new Wing Leader expansion, the third, goes into pre-order! Here’s a quick introduction from the designer.

Wing Leader: Origins explores new corners of World War 2, such as Poland and the Netherlands, as well as pre-war battles, including China and Spain. I’ll be posting more on the content in the coming months, but in the meantime some questions answered:

Q. What do I need to play Origins?

A. You only need Wing Leader: Victories, preferably with the second edition updates.

Q. How many new Aircraft Data Cards are there?

A. Twenty-nine in all, including aircraft from Poland, the Netherlands and Czechoslovakia, as well as from Britain, America, Italy, Germany and Japan.

German data cards
ILLUSTRATION: German aircraft data cards for Origins.

Q. How many scenarios are there?

A. Twenty-six scenarios, covering battles from China, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands and Dutch East Indies. We even have a couple of counterfactual scenarios set against the backdrop of a German invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938.

Q. Is there a campaign?

A. Yes, we have a campaign set over Malta in May 1942, in which the Italians and Germans try to bomb the island to counter the arrival of a large contingent of Spitfires.

Q. When will Origins come out?

A. That’s up to you. Wing Leader: Origins is already in an advanced state of testing, with over 250 plays of the scenarios completed and a number of rounds of testing done on the campaign. The art is well under way and we anticipate having the game ready to print by the end of the autumn of this year (2019). What we now need are the pre-orders to persuade GMT to push this into print. So get your pre-order in soon!

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