Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Ibar

Along with its three patron saints (Patrick, Columba, and Brigid) Ireland also has four “most sacred” bishops. The list changes with the telling, but most versions include Ibar of Beggerin. Ibar has been linked with Brigid; he was a missionary bishop who was active around the same time and in the same areas where she was founding monastic institutions. Other than this, there is not much that we can be certain about his life.

 According to one account, Ibar was born into a noble clan of Ulaid, and his sister married a king of Laigin. It is said that his family had him educated at in important school run by Druids. But he joined the Christian religion recently introduced to his homeland, and traveled to Brittany to continue his education. Later he moved on to Lerins Abbey (in modern southern France) where he probably met Ciaran, who would later become Bishop of Saigir.

Ibar returned to Ireland, bringing with him some companions from the continent. The first community that they founded was in the Aran Islands on the west coast of Ireland. But soon he headed back east, first to Geshille near the center of the island and finally to Beggerin, on what was an island in what is now called Wexford harbour. (It’s no longer an island- the shallows separating the island were filled in as the city of Wexford expanded). It is certainly not a coincidence that this was within the lands of the king that his sister had married.

Beggerin thrived as a place of learning, with people from all over Ireland placing themselves under Ibar’s direction. He also traveled around the island preaching; no doubt his early training by the Druids helped him in debates with them, while his noble birth gave him extra influence with kings and chieftains. He was apparently rather independent from the earlier missionaries to Ireland, and only reluctantly submitted to Patrick, or to his successors. Or maybe not; his submission may be another claim made in later centuries by the leaders of Armagh in their successful attempts to aggrandize Patrick, and thus make Armagh the religious center of Ireland.

It’s frustrating to know so little about such an important era in Irish history. Most of the earliest written descriptions of this time are from later centuries, and they often have a “spin” to them. But some are copies of earlier writings, and some chronicle long-held oral traditions which can be quite accurate. The tools of archeology can also bring light to the time. By studying all of these sources, we can come to understand the people who lived at this important time in Irish history, and how they later went on to make an impact on all of Western Europe.    

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Palladius

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Patrick

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Auxilius

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Ciarán

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Iserninus

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Secundinus

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Brigid

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Finnian

Kevin McPartland
Author: Kevin McPartland

Designer of Conquest of Paradise and Banish the Snakes for GMT Games.

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