Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Ciarán

The first of the early Irish missionaries to actually be born in Ireland was Ciarán. He was born into the ruling family of Osraige, but before this, his mother had a dream that a star fell into her mouth. The druids interpreted the dream to mean that she would bear a son who would be famous throughout the land.

Ciarán left Ireland for the continent as a young man, some time before the arrival of Palladius and Patrick. At some point he converted to Christianity: thanks to his royal blood and his faith, he acquired a theological education at Tours and Rome. He was credited with performing miracles even then. Tradition says that he met Patrick in Italy, where they formed an alliance that would last their lifetimes.

By one account, Patrick sent Ciarán ahead of him to Ireland to build a monastery; other accounts claim that he began later. He started with a little cell in the woods of Saigir, settling as a hermit there, wearing rough clothing, and living off the land. He grew close to the inhabitants of the forest; there are many tales of his influence over wild animals. Many followers were attracted to him, and eventually a large monastery grew up around his little cell. Even his mother joined her son’s community, bringing a group of women who devoted their lives to the new faith. Later still, Saigir became the burial place for the kings of Osraige.

He was consecrated as a bishop by Patrick. (Or had he already become a bishop on the continent? The histories are not clear.) Ciarán traveled throughout Ireland, helping his old friend Patrick and the other missionaries. He must have been very helpful to the early missionaries in Ireland, since he was the only one born there. His membership in a royal family gave him access to the chiefs and rulers, his familiarity with the ways of the druids helped in debates with them, and his fluency in the language helped with telling the good news to the people.

In the end, the druids were right: Ciarán had become a son who was famous throughout the land. He established a monastic tradition in Ireland that would last a millennium, and helped to establish a new faith in his homeland.

Previous Articles:

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Palladius

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Patrick

Historic Characters in Banish the Snakes: Auxilius

Kevin McPartland
Author: Kevin McPartland

Designer of Conquest of Paradise and Banish the Snakes for GMT Games.

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