Here I Stand: Full 6-Player Game After Action Report

I would like today to come back to one of the most epic boardgame sessions I have possibility to experience. This was a full, six-player play of Here I Stand (HIS). Yes, we decided to re-enact struggle in the Europe during the time of Reformation.

This was our second play of HIS – I need to report the first encounter still, but as this was a training play, that was much less exciting than what follows below. I and two of my colleagues for whom it was our 2nd session took lead of more difficult nationalities – I was in command of the Hapsburg Empire and Kuba managed France while Konrad struggled with the Papacy. At the same time, three new players were assigned less demanding factions: the Ottomans to Jarek, England to Jacek, and the Protestants to Lukasz. We managed to play 3 turns before we ran out of time. However, we were pretty close to the final…


The reformation attempts (“95 thesis” card) were pretty positive for the Protestants with 4 out of 5 of them being successful. The negotiation phase however resulted in quite surprising solution – England paid 2 card draws to France for the latter not to intervene in Anglo-Scottish war.

What happened during the turn?

  • The Ottomans assaulted and conquered Belgrade, played “Barbary Pirates”, built up troops.
  • Hapsburg attacked and conquered Metz. I did not intend to attack France and France did not intend to attack me – so although we had formal war no atrocities we were seen on French-Hapsburg border.
  • However, in the meantime Hapsburg built up forces, sent Magellan into Circumvention request, conquered – using Pizarro – Inca Empire, and saved 2 cards for next turn (which occurred to be crucial move in the game).
  • France, as mentioned above, did not attack me (Hapsburg) but conquered Florence, used Chateaux, and built a colony.
  • England declared War against Scotland but having only 2 cards did not manage to get Edinburgh that turn.
  • The Protestants and the Papacy struggled in Germany, but the “disease” was spreading too fast and 6 electorates were protestant by the end of the turn.

All in all, this was pretty calm turn. But the storm was coming…

Situation after 1st turn (click to enlarge)


The negotiation phase resulted in  theProtestants paying France 1 card for playing Schmalkeldic League. The peace talks between France and Hapsburg did not conclude positively and war goes one…

What happened that turn?

  • The Ottomans moved on Budapest and conquered the city. Well, they will soon start to threaten central Europe. So…
  • …war between Hapsburg and the Ottomans started. Ferdinand with 5 regular who was anticipating this in Gibraltar immediately attacked Tunis, but a lost naval battle prevented capture of that key.
  • However, the most important event took place in France. After a couple of impulses were used for colonies/exploration/conquest, France attacked on Metz. Faced with such disrespectful behavior – and fully expecting it, preparing forces in advance – Hapsburg used their home card and moved Charles in such a way that managed to encircle Francis I in Metz and completely destroy the army, capturing both Montmercy and Francis.
Battle near Metz – calamity for France (click to enlarge)
  • That was one of turning points in the game – after successful battle Hapsburg moved on France, conquered Paris and Lyon.
France conquered but not defeated (click to enlarge)
  • In the meantime, England finally conquered Scotland. Protestantsproclaimed their country and started German Bible translation. Multiple debates initiated by the Papacy did not bring any conclusive solutions (= nobody was burned :)).
  • At the end of the turn Magellan circumnavigated the globe and Corrado conquered Mayas. Another two positive pieces of info for my Hapsburg empire.

What would happen next? We shall see!

Situation after 2nd turn (click to enlarge)


The situation was very interesting at the beginning of Turn 3. Hapsburg was 2 keys from automatic victory but the Turks amassed a huge army in Buda and I might expect everybody to attack me – the usual “beat the leader” approach.

The negotiations were long — instead of 10 minutes (as per rules). they took 40 minutes! But it was worth it… Anti-Hapsburg coalition was not able to agree the common approach and mutual concession. Thus I planned to play the negotiations my way. England decided to ally with Hapsburg and attack France, for Antwerp and one card from my hand. Was it good move? Both Hapsburg and England now had 3 keys to victory and were evenly located for it (more or less). For me it was crucial not to be at war with France (even crushed), England (fresh and strong), the Ottomans (very strong), lurking Protestants and maybe not directly in opposition but quite unfriendly Papacy. What is important, France from the start refused to make a peace with me or sue for peace – as it would bring me to 24 points.

The turn was interesting. Very.

  • England seized Rouen but terribly lost the naval battle with France (lost 3 squadrons while France none) and was not able to move on Bordeaux and Marseille. Good.
  • Having a stable situation on the West of the Empire, I was able to focus on the situation to the East. Mainly, to focus on Ottomans. And there was a lot happening there! They attacked with the whole force, won the battle over Vienna, and captured Vienna. It was a difficult situation but the Hapsburg home card as always was well played – I managed to crush the Ottoman army, imprison Suleiman and Ibrahim, and re-capture Vienna and Buda. It was nice to see French and Ottoman allies both in my prison:) But it was a close call to total disaster…
Relief forces near Vienna (click to enlarge)
  • Next, the most suspenseful moment of the game came. It was last impulse – I was besieging Belgrade with 7 mercenaries, Charles, and 1 regular. Only 1 Ottoman regular was defending it. I just needed to conquer that city and that would be it – auto-victory! And then England betrayed me – they played a card which removed all my mercenaries from one space, which stopped my besiege and as I have not enough cards to rebuild, I finished turn with one key to auto victory…
  • What was happening elsewhere? The religious war was at its peak, with the Papacy mainly investing into St. Peter’s Basilica and taking Florence from France. The Protestants were finishing the German Bible translation which allowed them to convert whole German-speaking zone but for one space. That was really well reflected in points (which you can see below). Additionally, thanks to a won debate London was also converted.
Situation after 3rd turn (click to enlarge)


It was really exciting and interesting game. The situation changed multiple times, and who knows what would happen in turn 4? We would definitely love to play HIS again (it is a fantastic game) especially as it is really about politics/negotiations and armies are only a means to succeed. And we can’t wait to see how the situation will develop in later turns, with new cards, counter-reformation, etc. But that is for the future… for now we stay at home!

The final standings at the end of turn 3:

  • 21 points: Hapsburgs/me & Protestants/Lukasz
  • 16 points: Papacy/Konrad
  • 14 points: Ottomans/Jarek
  • 13 points: England/Jacek
  • 7 points: France/Kuba

More reports about HIS will come!

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6 thoughts on “Here I Stand: Full 6-Player Game After Action Report

  1. Super report. It is such a great game & the ability to negotiate, plot, scheme & betray make each game unique despite the “obvious” starting strategies for each player. Fabulous.

    • It was played already some time ago but by my recollection, he had enormously lucky rolls and good events.We all were surprised by the speed of reformation – I just hoped we did not missed any rule in the heat of battle 🙂

    • Turn 2 is the earliest possible time to play Schmalkeldic League – not at the beginning of the Turn 2, rather at the end,. And that card is part of the initial deck right from the start. The events in our game progressed rapidly, not only on Hapsburg-France front but on religious too.