Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign Mission #6 AAR (Part 4)

Mission 6 – Attack on Schöneseiffen

2nd January 1945

Part 4 – Turns 8-10

We’re ready for the final assault, hopefully there are enough commands to go around and get the job done.

Turn 8 – Street Fight

The orders are to take the town by sundown, and we’re starting to feel the time pressure now.

Savage fighting on the outskirts of town has caused massive damage to both sides. 2/2 captures the secondary objective, driving away the enemy spotter. But not before one of our Shermans explodes after a direct hit from the mortar fire he called down last turn. A second StuG III joins the fight supported by an assault rifle wielding squad. The lack of commands going around is really hampering us. We have two spotters, but they never seem to get a break. And we have a green 1st PLT HQ with no radio struggling to get anything done but somehow still moving forwards. 

Someone needs to hit the town with as much firepower as we can manage. And quickly.

The enemy are taking damage, but our front line is almost exhausted, send in the reinforcements!

Turn 9 – Battle Intensifies

Our second wave of units arrives. 1st Sgt pulls the paralyzed teams out of the line of fire, they quickly fall back. The first StuG retreats under fire from 3rd platoon. The 2nd StuG takes aim at the exposed 1st Sgt’s position, but is distracted as we finally get a successful call for mortar fire going. Our on-map mortar section also starts bombarding the town, firing over 1st Sgt who is stood in the middle of an open field, radio in one hand and bazooka in the other, conducting the battle while shells whistle inches above his head. The Primary objective is now defended by only a handful of men who we’ve pinned down. Time to move in and finish them off.

Casualties mount, but crossfire and heavy weapons are wearing the enemy down

Turn 10 – Final Assault

After a persuasive talk from CO XO who just turned up, 1st PLT HQ leads an assault team into the primary objective, supported by a squad from 3rd platoon sent by 1st Sgt. Grenades are thrown about somewhat haphazardly, the German unitʼs building walls are taken out by critical concentrated fire and 1st PLT HQ gets into a cellar for cover. One German team flees the area, the other stays and fights to the death.

Critical hit marker courtesy of Vassal (does not represent any final 3rd edition FoF art)

The area is secured, victory is ours. BN HQ calls to let us know he’s sending two more Sherman tanks in support. Better late than never I suppose.

End of turn 10. Between 1st Sgt and the rookie 1st PLT HQ we’ve secured the objectives.
Company at the end of the mission. Not bad. But no replacements before the next mission…


This mission is a lot of fun especially after playing mission 4 where you’re tasked with defending a similar town. The random terrain makes a lot of difference each time you try the mission. In this case two rows of open fields to cross under sniper fire and artillery bombardment really did a lot of damage. The full campaign can be tough as there are no regular replacements.

Each of the missions in the Bulge campaign has its own unique feel with enough extra toys to play with that it feels sufficiently different from Normandy. The beautiful snowy terrain deck is just icing on the cake.

Previous Articles:

Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign Mission #6 AAR (Part 1)

Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign Mission #6 AAR (Part 2)

Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign Mission #6 AAR (Part 3)

Andrew Stead
Author: Andrew Stead

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