Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition News

Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition is finally here! Or at least, heading out of the warehouse towards your table any day now. This has been a huge project and we’re really happy players around the world are finally getting a chance to see it.

For those of you who bought the Update Kit, make sure to check out the full Deluxe Counter Update Guide on the website. There are instructions in the box of course, but it’ll be a lot easier finding the counters to replace with pictures. Check that out right here:

Fields of Fire Deluxe Update Kit – Deluxe Update Counter Guide

Game Videos

Over at Tony’s Board Life Youtube channel I’ve been playing Heartbreak Ridge with Tony. Check this out for a look at how the game works. Heartbreak Ridge is a great fun campaign with nice compact maps and a lot of tough action. If you’ve only played Normandy before, be sure to give this campaign a go, or go watch the video and see how it all works.

You can also find links on GMT website to a previous introductory game we played using the standalone mission Keep up the Fire.

Heartbreak Ridge Playthrough (part 1)

Keep up the Fire – An Introductory Fields of Fire Playthrough (part 1)

Hidden sniper causes our advance to stumble..

Tabletop Simulator

Andrew Kurtz has put together a Tabletop Simulator module for Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition. Using all the new art and painstakingly checked through by me to make sure everything works as it should. Use this or Colin’s VASSAL module to pass the time until your games arrive. For those of you who are not aware, VASSAL and TTS provide a “virtual table” to play your game on. You manipulate all the pieces yourself, though each module features a few QoL features. They are not rules enforced computer games. Please always follow GMT policy on Vassal and TTS modules.

Fields of Fire Deluxe – Steam Workshop

GMT policy on use of electronic versions of their games

The Bulge Campaign!

With the release of Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition, we’re getting a lot of questions about the Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign. Rest assured, this campaign is fully FoF Deluxe compatible and still in stock! We were well into the 3rd edition rules by the time Bulge went into development, so Colin and I worked through it to ensure all the text complied with what we knew the 3rd edition rules were going to say (especially on the subject of vehicles).

The only thing you’ll have to deal with is the rulebook reference numbers which are based on 2nd edition. All the rule names remain the same, so you should be able to find what you’re looking for with the Contents list on page 1 of the new Rulebook. We’ll be putting out a “Living Rules” Bulge mission book online sometime soon with all the latest rulebook references for those who want that.

Fields of Fire – The Bulge Campaign

Fields of Fire Bulge Campaign in action (photo by Scott Mansfield)

Andrew Stead

Fields of Fire Series Developer

Andrew Stead
Author: Andrew Stead

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