FAB: Golan ’73 Al-Owda Scenario and Additional Optional Rules

Scenario 20.3: OPERATION AL-OWDA


This is the original Syrian plan for the assault on the Golan Heights. Al-Owda (“Homing all the way”) was to begin at dawn instead of the afternoon starting point for the later choosen Operation Badhr and involved the two tank divisions, all five commando battalions as well as the Assad Guards Brigade from early on in the assault. The commandos was to be airlifted into vital areas and to block Israeli reinforcements by create roadblocks across the Jordan river and roads leading up the escarpment. This plan was a most ambitious one, “a virtual blueprint for victory – the best plan any Arab state had been able to bring to the brink of execution in a quarter century of struggle with a seemingly omnipotent enemy”. However, the plan was rejected by the Egyptians and since their own offensive across the Suez Canal was to be launched in the afternoon. Other political issues such as the fear of a coup against the Assad regime also caused the Syrians to go for the Badhr plan, and therefore went on for a smaller safer scale attack and withdrew strong units from the lineup, to be placed in reserve. Since this scenario is hypothetical, setup and reinforcement schedules are estimated. This is a real challenge for the Israelis and it’s recommended that the most experienced player plays the Israelis.

Scenario Length

Play all 6 Game Turns on the attached Game Turn Track. Note: There is no Sudden Death Victory in this scenario.

Area of Play

The entire map is used and all areas west of the Purple Line are Israeli-controlled.

Israeli Deployment at Start

  • Israeli Strongpoints & Ghost Units* – Place in each area adjacent to the Purple Line, one per area.
  • Regular Units – There are seven additional regular units marked with a starting area number for the setup code. Place these in the noted started area.
  • Reserve Markers – Place all four markers on eligible units.
  • Garrisons – There are four Israeli garrisons with a starting area number for the setup code. Place these in the noted starting area.
  • Assets & Events – There are three assets and one event available at start. Place them in the Available Box, but note that the Syrian Admin Phase is skipped on Game Turn 1.

Place two of the conditional Air Support assets into the Air Support Assets Holding Box.

(* – Replace two of the ghost units with two blank blue spare blocks from the game box).

Syrian Deployment at Start

  • Regular Units – Place the sixteen units, at player’s discretion, in areas with a tank symbol, one per area.
  • Reserve Markers – Place the two markers on eligible units.
  • Assets & Events – There are twenty-nine assets and two events available at start. Place them in the Available Box, but note that the Syrian Admin Phase is skipped on Game Turn 1. The player also places two (2) of the Commando assets in any vacant Israeli-controlled area east of the Jordan River but not in Mount Hermon [83] or Ma’agan [17]. Other than this special placement they follow the rules in 16.11.


  • Units, assets and events received through the scenario is listed on the Al-Owda Setup Card provided. Note that there are a large amount of units, assets and events arrive in a different turn than noted on the lables/counters.
  • Israeli reinforcements arrives in a random order. Place the six units noted on the setup card in an opacue container (Draw Cup), plus the two Ghost units. Each turn, secretly draw the number of units listed under the block figure with an “?”. At start of each Reinforcement Phase of Game Turns 3, 4 and 5, place the units as noted in the Draw Cup before the draw is made. Next, place those units drawn in the Assembly Area noted on the units. If a Ghost unit is drawn, place it aside (it is not used for the rest of the game), or (if using the optional ghost unit rule 18.9 below) it can be placed in any of the two assembly areas. Note that on Turn 2,
  • Israeli units arrives at their denoted assembly area. Units marked with an A arrive at the Northern Assembly area and units marked with a B arrive at the Southern Assembly area.
  • Syrian units arrive at an eligible, friendly-controlled Entry area(s) marked in the range from V through Z. Note: The 47th, 141st Tank, 82nd Airborne and 62nd Mech units are left out of the OOB.
  • All reinforcing units arrive full-strength for both sides, except for the Israeli 4th Mech, 179th Armored and 679th Armored Brigades, which arrive at reduced strength (noted on the unit labels and on the reinforcement cards).

Special Scenario Rules

  • All areas, sectors and boundaries are in effect except area 83 (Mount Hermon, which is considered already captured by the Syrians).
  • The scenario begins with the Syrian Movement Phase of Game Turn 1.
  • The Israeli player places minefield markers on boundaries per rule 14.02 as well as on boundaries between areas 29/30, 47/48 and 50/51.
  • The Israeli player starts with 3 VPs marked on the Victory Track.
  • Use the Al-Owda Setup Cards and Turn Track. Note that the Night Turn is omitted, there is none in this scenario (since the Syrian attack starts earlier in the day than in Op Badhr).
  • There are no Syrian Operational or Strategic Reserve units in this scenario, those units arrive as reinforcements.


There are no Sudden Death or Automatic Syrian Victory in this scenario. See the Al-Owda Reference Map at back for VP areas. At the end of Game Turn 6 players are awarded VP for the following conditions:

  • Areas of Battlefield Importance – As in 19.1.
  • Syrian Objective Areas – As in 19.1.
  • Israeli VP Line – The Israeli player is awarded one VP for 
each area controlled east of the VP Line.

Historical Outcome

This is a very interesting scenario and if the plan was executed, would the Israelis ever had a chance?

Additional Optional Rules

These additional optional rules below may be used in any scenario in the game just as the optional rules in the Exclusive Rules Booklet.

Anti-Tank (AT) Assets (Syrians Only)

As the Defender in combat, Syrian AT assets have a +1 when firing and enemy point unit is armor-class.

Chemical Warfare (Syrians Only)

At the cost of spending one Reusable Special Action, the Syrian player may as the Defender have one artillery or air support (when firing as artillery) asset firing with +2 in a combat round. If using this option more than once, the cost is also increased to include one VP in favor of the Israeli player per chemical attack used.

Flank Assault (Israelis Only) Version 1.0

By spending a Special Action, the Israeli player may conduct a flanking assault as the attacker. If two Israeli units participates in combat, one is declared the point unit and the other the flanking unit. When taking hits from enemy ground fire, the point unit absorbs all hits but the flanking unit fires with a +1.

Syrian T-62 Tanks

The Russian built T-62 tank was a formidable opponent, but it was slow in cross-country terrain on the Golan Heigths due to its low ground clearance and weight.

The Syrian 65th, 76th, 81st, 91st and the Assad armored units (all Elite TQ) pays one additional MP to cross a field connection.

Advanced Ghost Unit Rules

Ghost units represent uncertain intelligence regarding actual positions of units as well as false sighting. This optional rule gives ghost units the flexibility to arrive as reinforcements, move and mix up with regular Israeli units.

Ghost units:

  • May use either armor-class movement (6 MP’s) or infantry- 
class movement (3 MP’s).
  • Are treated as regular units regarding movement.
  • May be marked as reserve.
  • May never create newly-contested areas.
  • Can not attack or defend.
  • Stacked with other units may overstack with one unit until 
removed (in a Movement or Combat Phase). Thus, an area could potentially have three units in wich one or two of the units are ghosts. 
Ghost units are removed under the following conditions:
  • In a Movement Phase – if a Syrian unit enter an area solely occupied by a ghost unit, the Israeli player reveals it and removes the ghost unit. The Syrian player still pays the +1 MP to enter a contested area and may continue moving with 
remaining MP’s.
  • During combat resolution, when units of both sides are 
revealed (6.24).


PDF Files to Use with the Al-Owda Scenario:

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