Below is Part 3 in Michael Gustavsson’s Playthrough AAR of FAB: Crusader. Parts 1 and 2 can be found here and here. Enjoy! -Rachel
Situation: Tobruk is relieved (a clear supply path is traced from an Allied Entry area into Tobruk) and focus for the Allied player is to either maintain the supply path or go for a Sudden Death Victory.
Turn 5: November 27-28
Reinforcement Phase – The Allied player places a Detachment unit in the Sidi Omar area, reducing the 5 Ind Infantry there by one step.
Allied Turn:
Admin Phase – The Allied player uses a HQ Staff function to add a step to the recovering 6 NZ Infantry. The player also increases the 5 NZ Infantry by one step using the Reusable Special Action.
The Axis player uses a DAK Infantry Replacement Event to add a step to the 155 Mech Infantry. The player also places a recon asset in the area south of Sidi Rezegh to conduct a screening mission there.
Movement Phase – The 5 Ind Infantry attacks into Bir Ghirba, while the 7 Ind Mot remains in reserve at Sidi Omar. The CIH Recon and a ghost unit moves north west towards Bir el Gubi.
The 5 NZ Infantry attacks Gambut to seize the airfield and the yellow star VP there. The 4 NZ Infantry is placed in reserve, ready to strike in the Breakthrough Movement Phase or react to Axis movement during their turn.
The Tobruk Garrison swap places between the 14 and 23 Infantry.
Both Allied units (7 Support and 22 Armored) in Ed Duda attacks into El Adem. The 1 SA Infantry moves to replace those units at Ed Duda. The 5 SA Infantry in Sidi Rezegh is placed in reserve.

Combat Phase – The Allied player conducts combat against the Ariete Division east of Bir el Gubi. However, the Axis (cautiously) retreats from combat by spending the Reusable Special Action. Only the 4 Armored successfully passes the Moral Check and is marked with an Exploitation marker.
In El Adem, the 7 Support and 22 Armored attacks the 66 Trieste (Mot) unit, which is defeated and retreats after combat to the west.
In Gambut the sole German garrison there is easily defeated by the 5 NZ Infantry and is eliminated. The last air mission event chit in the Captured Airfield Box is placed into the Selection Cup.
The garrison in Bir Ghirba is overunned by the 5 Ind Infantry, clearing the way towards the coastal areas south of Bardia.
Breakthrough Movement Phase – Two Allied units are marked with reserve markers. The 4 NZ Infantry moves from Zafraan to Sidi Rezegh. The 5 SA Infantry moves out of Sidi Rezegh to Point 178. The exploitation marked 4 Armored attacks into Bir el Gubi.
Breakthrough Combat Phase – The 4 Armored conducts combat against the Italian 65 Trieste (Mot). The 4 Armored’s intrinsic artillery scores one hit on the Italians, which is taken as a disorganized “hit”. Ineffective fire from the Italian unit before it is eliminated by devastating fire from the Allied tank unit. Bir el Gubi is in Allied control.

Axis Turn:
Admin Phase – The Axis player uses a replacement chit event from the XXI Corpo to add a step to 61 Trento unit. The player also plays the +4 Supply event chit, that adds 4 Attack Supply points to the Axis.
The Allies conducts massive screening operations by sending out recon assets east of Point 178, south of Bir el Chleta and west of Hafid Ridge.
Movement Phase – The two units of 15 Panzer Division moves to attack the Allied unit east of Bir el Gubi. The 21 Panzer Division moves to attack Sidi Rezegh. The Afrika Division attacks into Ed Duda.
The Italian 20 Brescia (Infantry) moves across the escarpment west of Tobruk, to prepare an assault across the perimeter.
Combat Phase – The Axis player conducts combat east of Bir el Gubi first. The Allied player uses a Special Action to reinforce the battle, moving the 22 Gd Infantry to join the 7 Armored there. Both sides take losses and the Allies retreat south. A German Tank Recovery marker is placed in the area.
Combat in Sidi Rezegh is conducted, the 21 Panzer against the 4 NZ. The unlucky New Zealand unit is eliminated, and Sidi Rezegh is back into Axis control.
In Ed Duda, the Allies once again uses a Special Action to reinforce the battle with the 22 Armored. The battle ends with the Afrika Division aborts the attack and becomes disorganized.
Reaction Phase – The reserve marked 7 Ind moves up to Fort Capuzzo.
Supply Phase – German tank recovery roll for the marker east of Bir el Gubi fails. Allied recon assets return to the Used Box.
Victory Check Phase – The score is Allied 6 – Axis 4, a total of +2 for the Allies.

Turn 6: November 29-30
Reinforcement Phase – The Allied player creates a Detachment unit in Gambut area, reducing the 5 NZ Infantry by one step.
Allied Turn:
Admin Phase – Both players use replacement event chits to strengthen units.
Movement Phase – XThe 5 NZ moves from Gambut into Zafraan and is joined by the CIH Recon unit. A ghost unit moves to Gambut to join the Detachment unit there. The 6 NZ and NZ Cav moves to Point 178. The 4 Armored and 5 SA attack the two Axis units south of Point 178. The 22 Gd moves into Bir el Gubi.
Combat Phase – The 4 Armored and 5 SA, supported by an Air Mission event, clashes with the 15 Panzer Division. The battle ends with hits on both sides and the Allied units remain in the area.
In Bir Suesi, just outside the Tobruk perimeter, the Allies resumes the attack against the Italian Trento Division. The Allied attack is successful and the Italian division retreats westward.
Axis Turn:
Admin Phase – The Axis player uses a Special Action as a replacement to add one step to the 115 Infantry.
The Allied player places two recon assets on screening mission east of the German 15 Panzer Division. This is an attempt to hinder their movement if they try to move closer to Tobruk.
Movement Phase – The Axis player now feeling more comfortable with the Italian CAM units (having built up some assets) and uses the 132 Ariete (Armor) and 9 Bersagliere to attack the Allied troops in Point 178.
The 5 Pz and 104 Infantry moves from Sidi Rezegh to Zafraan to attack the Allied units there, before they reach the vicinity of Tobruk.
The 115 Infantry (Mech) moves into an area occupied by one of the allied recon assets, the screening roll is successful and German unit must stop. This forces the Axis player to move the 155 Infantry (from the Afrika Division) out of Ed Duda to occupy Sidi Rezegh. The Axis player then places the 8 Pz in reserve in order to react later in the Breakthrough Movement Phase, as a “fire brigade”.
The 8 Bersagliere from Ariete Division moves north to guard the approaches south of El Adem.
Combat Phase – The Axis player resolves combat with the Italian CAM first. The Allied forces are heavily outnumbered, but the player cannot use a special action to retreat from combat since there are no legal areas to retreat into. The battle ends with the Allied 6 NZ are down to one step and one AT and MG asset eliminated. This is not looking good for the Allies!
The second combat takes place in Zafraan, where the 21 Panzer Division strikes. This time, the outnumbered Allies use a special action to retreat south out of harm’s way. The player couldn’t afford to lose the weakened 5 NZ Infantry.
Breakthrough Movement Phase – The Axis use one Auftragstaktik event to move the 8 Pz out from its contested area and move into the area with the 11 Hussar Recon asset. The Screening roll is partial success (and the recon asset moves to the Used Box) and the 8 Pz continue its move by paying one additional MP to exit the area. The unit ends its move south of Bir el Chleta .

The game is still an open match for both sides, but the Allies will need to strengthen their positions to maintain the relief of Tobruk.
This ends the third part of this playthrough of FAB: Crusader, available for pre-order at GMT Games.
Michael Gustavsson