As mentioned in a prior InsideGMT post, Jon Carter, of CoV Transatlantic Team Playtest Team fame*, created a version of the game, from Terry Leeds’ graphic files, for bringing Congress of Vienna to SDHistCon in San Diego. In recognition of a four-hour time limit per play session, Jon chose to present the three turn Desperate Times: The Campaign of France 1814 scenario. For more regarding this scenario, with links to additional Congress of Vienna material, see: Congress of Vienna Scenario Set-Up Maps with Associated Historical Backgrounds | Inside GMT blog
Below is a copy of the email Jon provided Game Designer Frank Esparrago and Assistant Designer/Editor Fred Schachter, with some excellent photographs, of Congress of Vienna at SDHisCon.
* Jon is a superb and talented Congress of Vienna player who, with his Transatlantic Playtest Team chums, greatly contributed to the game. Here’s a related InsideGMT After Action Report with Jon playing Britain: Congress of Vienna’s Spring Campaign of 1813 AAR from the Transatlantic Team — Introductory/“Short” Scenario | Inside GMT blog. Care to guess how Jon fared?
Dear Frank and Fred,
This weekend I ran two sessions of the game with four players each. All were familiar with Churchill so they quickly grasped the basic game mechanics and were playing within 20 minutes with me serving as Game Master and “Walking Rulebook”. We played the three turn fall of France scenario and finished it twice. In both cases the scores were very close (less than 10 VP separated the winner form the player in last place). France won one game on a VP tie and Britain the other contest.
In addition, many people stopped by our table to ask questions about Congress of Vienna and admire the game’s components. Mark Herman, who attended the convention, was very excited to see it in near-production format.
Generally, the game got a very good reaction. Most of the players said they will buy it, and all would play it again. Only a couple out of the dozens who saw/played CoV said they preferred Churchill’s simpler diplomatic system with fewer, less complicated Issues and cards. All preferred the fun and exciting War Phase’s battle system of Congress.
Here are a few pictures. I’m the one in the yellow tee shirt.
All the best,
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