Commands & Colors: Medieval Belisarius Campaign Part 1 – Thannuris (528 AD)

Below is the first in a series of articles from The Boardgames Chronicle playing through the Belisarius campaign in Commands & Colors: Medieval. This series can also be found on The Boardgames Chronicle’s blog here. Enjoy! -Rachel

The Game

When almost three years ago a monthly GMT Update brought the news that a new installment of Commands & Colors (C&C) system was in the works, I was thrilled. Being an ardent supporter and enthusiastic player of C&C Ancients, I had high hopes for its natural successor – C&C Medieval. Even more convincing was the fact that the base game would be focusing on events directly after the fall of Rome – including some retrospective battles with Huns from the time when the Western Empire still existed (three initial scenarios).

Once my copy of the game arrived I created – as always for my favorite games – the unboxing video, then started to plan the actual sessions as soon as possible. Below is what came of that planning.

The Campaign

Count Belisarius is probably the most recognizable general of the early Byzantine period – not surprising, as in combination with emperor Justinian, they managed not only to ensure the survival of the Eastern Empire, but managed to re-conquer large swaths of the Western Empire. In this series of articles I would like to familiarize you with that famous person by playing the C&C Medieval scenarios from the Base Game featuring this general. For now, only encounters with Sassanid Empire will be included but hopefully in the future other fronts will be as well!

The Scenario

Even the greatest generals sometimes had a tough start – such was with Belisarius at Thannuris. That battle occurred in 528 AD and was part of the so called Iberian War (do not confuse with Spain!), a conflict raging between the Byzantine Empire and the Sassanid Empire from 526 AD to 532 AD over the eastern Georgian kingdom of Iberia.

The Roman troops were dispatched from great Roman fortress of Dara to oversee construction of the fort near Thannuris. The Sassanids learned about the plans and sent their army to prevent this. Belisarius forces were enhanced with allies led by Bouzes and Coutzes. Unfortunately, when battle started the allied troops were impatient and attacked without orders, allowing The Sassanids to rout them and then focus on main Roman army.

The end of the battle was disastrous for the Roman army – while Belisarius managed to escape, Coutzes and his brother were killed and the Sassanids destroyed the fort buildings. Still, despite their victory, Persians suffered very heavy losses which of course did not pleased his king.


In my first game I took command of the Byzantines while my opponent led the Sassanids; historically, the Sassanids won here, killing two young brother-generals (left wing above) who did not wait for Belisarius and his reinforcements.

After a couple of turns of range fire the Romans (historically) were not able to hold the temptation of using Inspired Action and charged! To no avail as only a few enemy blocks were killed while scoring no VPs…

The Byzantines had a couple of similar drawbacks through the game, but then in one turn a concentrated charge brought them 3 VPs, including killing the Sassanid leader!

All the game action in one picture with marked army maneuvers as well as final disposition of the forces. The game was decided by a single roll – the Sassanids had 4d attack with swords, Leader and color hitting and missed. The Romans battle back was much better and finished the scenario.

One more picture – a close-up on a “center of carnage” – left-center section.

Playing our first game my opponent and I were still learning specific CCM rules, probably being too much under CCA influence and forgetting Parthian Shot as well as ability of all the units to conduct ranged combat. Still, it was a great fun and an exciting battle to be remembered for a long time!

I really like to play the Commands & Colors scenarios switching sides as it gives you not only possibility to check how the other side feels but also allows – in competitive play – for fair comparison of results. This time I commanded the Sassanids and the look of the battlefield was not as daunting as in first game… the Persians are definitely in much better position.

The things for the Sassanids started badly. The Romans – of course – were not able to resist temptation of using Inspired Leadership Action and charged Roman units – with the same results (zero banners). However, the Persian counter-attack prepared by me was met with one of the worst and most ugly surprises in my C&C career – first Ambush after momentum advance (4-block HBC was wholly destroyed) then First Strike killing my 1-block MC; devastating turn for me.. my own turn…

Still, the Byzantines were able to move their units from the Right section and hit hardly the remnants of the center – even Heavy Infantry does not stand a chance against Cataphract charge.

All the game action in one picture with marked army maneuvers as well as final disposition of the forces. As you can see, one section is completely abandoned – all forces moved to the center. Again, Belisarius and his reinforcements were not on time to save the day. The result reflects historical situation.


On a more general front; while after two games it is still too early to formulate firm conclusions about Commands & Colors: Medieval, some things are obvious:

  • Cavalry is much, much more durable and devastating against infantry
  • Inspired Leadership Tokens are key in the game – not only for Inspired Actions (big scale operations) but for those small Battlefield Actions. Especially Bravery – you got enemy cavalry pinned down and count for a flag result. Surprise! Enemy play Bravery, ignores one flag and battles back!
  • It is much easier to get into fighting distance – the game is quick, blood and often decisive

The Belisarius Campaign will be continued and further encounters of the Byzantines vs the Sassanids will tell us the story of the famous general.

Thank You!

Michal Kowalczuk

Articles in this Series: Part 1 Part 2

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