COIN Series Falling Sky: Arverni Strategy


We continue our glimpse into the diverse personalities of the player roles in Volume VI of the COIN Series, Falling Sky.  In this second of the series, druids advise a powerful Celtic tribe on how its young king might lead all Gaul in revolt against the Romans….

The Arverni Confederation

Screen Shot 2016-01-28 at 1.14.37 PMYour Nation.  You undertake this war not in your own interests but for the liberty of all.  Alone the Arverni can unite the Celts and throw out the enslaver Caesar.

Relations.  To win, you must both Rally the Celts to unity in war and bloody the Legions.  So you have little to treat with Caesar.  And, unless they should turn on their master, the Aedui will be your first enemy.  But look for a moment to turn them—when Caesar appears more of a threat to their liberty than do you.  The Belgic Tribes are 19 Lucterius pd raweasier allies:  they draw Caesar off and give you time to grow your revolt; they can be killers of Legions, so offer them whatever able to keep their blood lust up!

War.  With the strength of your cause, you can Rally Allied Tribes and Warbands and prepare your Citadels faster than anyone in all Gaul.  Vercingetorix alone among chieftains can impose the discipline on Warbands to March them with the speed of Legions.  Like all Gauls, your Hidden Warbands can Raid enemy forces or nearby inhabitants to add to your Resources for war.  In Battle, your warriors will die faster than do the Legions—but they are replaceable.  If attacked, they can Retreat or use a Citadel to lower their Losses; against the Romans, you and your Hidden Warbands can Retreat into nearby forests to reemerge again later.

Vercingetorix and his army – production samples of pieces in the game.

Vercingetorix and his army – production samples of pieces in the game.

Talents.  With the Celts’ love of independence behind Vercingetorix, he can Entreat enemy Warbands and Allied Tribes over to him—even those fighting as Roman Auxilia (though not tribes that are already in Caesar’s pay).  And he can use a new tactic of war:  Devastate lands that the Arverni Control to starve enemies, block them from Rallying new forces, and slow the Romans’ March.  Finally, if he has advantage in Hidden forces, he can Ambush to smash Legions and prevent an enemy from Retreating away.  So, while the Aeduan fights you, Entreat or Battle his agents that might Suborn Arverni Allies, and Devastate his Rallying grounds.  To get at the Legions, first strip away their Auxilia cocoon with Entreaties and Devastation, then Ambush them in Battle.

Auguries.  Vercingetorix—guard your person against the Roman Event of rapid March and Battle!  Your strength is Gallic numbers, so Rally them all.  Do not fear losses overly:  there are always more warriors to Rally.  Above all, always keep up the revolt among Allies—you must defeat the Legions both in the Senate and in Gaul.  Should the Roman Senate conclude that Caesar is succeeding in Subduing Gaul, they may send him even more Legions!  Should they conclude the opposite, the Uproar against Caesar will block him from replacing his Fallen.  Under just the right political conditions, the Optimates party may draw him off entirely to fight a Roman civil war.

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Articles in this Series: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4


Volko Ruhnke
Author: Volko Ruhnke

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