Changes and Updates to Normandy ’44

Normandy44CoverNormandy ’44 is one of two Mark Simonitch designs (Ukraine ’43 is the other) that we are reprinting this spring. Mark’s games are known among wargamers as gamer-friendly labors of love, a result of his passion and commitment to combining historical accuracy with elegant game systems. Mark has taken the opportunity afforded by the reprint to enhance his original design to better reflect history and to tweak play-balance. For you guys who are wondering whether it’s worthwhile to purchase the new reprint edition, Mark has created a comprehensive list of changes to help you decide. We hope you find this information useful. Enjoy the games! – Gene

Here is a comprehensive list of the changes and updates we’ve made in the 2015 Reprint Edition of Normandy ’44, shipping within a month or so.


  • Flooded Hexes better defined.
  • A few roads moved off the hex spine for clarity purposes.
  • A few typos fixed.
  • A reminder added to the TRT that no SM or Truck Movement
    on Turn 1.
  • Some cosmetic changes to the terrain that have no effect on

19mm long


  • CrisbecqSPAll Kriegsmarine strongpoints changed from gray to deep blue.
  • The stronger 12SS units included in C3i are now added. 26Pzg12SS
  • Three US TD battalions removed from the US O.B. It was discovered
    that these three battalions were still equipped with towed
    guns in June 1944.
  • 744TnkBnAn M5 tank battalion and the US 99th Independent Battalion99IndBn
    added to the Units in Britain. These units were available and
    partially make up for the three tank battalions removed.
  • The 200 PzJ/21 Pz unit went from a 1-step: 2-4-5, to a 2-step:200PzJ
  • 192-21PzThe 192/21 PzG went from a 5-6 to a 6-6 at full strength.
  • A few cosmetic ID changes to the German units. These have no
    effect on play.
  • A few minor changes made to the at start locations and arrival47PzK
    times of German units to improve accuracy. With the exception
    of moving the 47th Pz Corps HQ from At Start to Turn 6, these
    changes have very little effect on play.



  • The “No effect” result changed to an A1 result.
  • The Explanation of Combat Results received minor clarifications.
  • The Disruption (D) result was removed from the Strafing Table
    and a new modifier added if the target is using Strategic Movement.


  • Units no longer lose a step when retreating through an EZOC
    (13.2). The old version works against the function of ZOC Bonds
    and the change will help the German player which was needed.
  • Minor change to Advance After Combat in Bocage (14.4.1). As
    long as the attacker enters the defender’s vacated hex and exits
    the bocage hex via a road, it can advance two hexes.
  • Minor change to Cherbourg Perimeter effects making it possible
    for the defender to earn the Armor Shift (16.3). An obvious
    error that needed to be fixed.
  • The German player may use friendly Caen city hexes as a
    conduit for Artillery Shifts and Defensive Support (17.2) in the
    same way as he uses his HQs. The units must be within 3 hexes
    of Caen and a 7th Army Supply Point must be expended. This
    rule became necessary when the 47 Pz Corps HQ’s arrival time
    was changed to it’s historical arrival on Turn 6.
  • –1/+1 Weather Table DRM for Storm and Clear-6 deleted.
    This rule caused too much confusion and could be crippling to a
    player if clear weather or storm lasted too long.
  • Werfer Brigades can now move their full MA and fire. These
    units were very mobile and used for quick reaction.
  • The effectiveness of Strafing was toned down and a new modifier
    added (19.1.4). The old version of the rule was found to be
    too powerful.
  • Allied Automatic Victory and Campaign Victory Conditions
    changed slightly. It is now more difficult for the Allied player to
    achieve an Automatic Victory.
  • Optional 3-Day Storm rules modified (28.1 and 28.2).
  • Optional Flanking Fire rule and solo play suggestions deleted
    due to space constraints.

NOTE: When we release the new edition, we will make the new rules, player aid card, and all Setup cards available online as free downloads.

N44 Components

Mark Simonitch
Author: Mark Simonitch

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15 thoughts on “Changes and Updates to Normandy ’44

  1. Hi,
    Are there any suppliers in the UK that stock C3i magazine? I so want these updated counters as I love this game which I bought from you a few short years back but it is costly to buy the magazine and ship to UK.



    • Mike, try the Orc’s Nest in London. Personally I subscribe to C3i direct from GMT as an “Immortal” and find it well worth less than £20 an issue.

  2. Shame on the lot of you! I have been thoroughly teased now. I am so looking forward to this being shipped. I am late to the game in discovering Mark’s wonderful games and I am very pleased that these games are being re-printed…and updated! Thanks to everyone at GMT for this.

  3. Thanks for the info about this reprint. Thanks also for making the new rules, setup cards and player aid available. Is there any chance we owners of the 2010 edition could buy a new set of counters?

  4. The game was spoilt for me by what seemed the weakness of Pz Lehr which most accounts identify as one of the strongest Panzer Divisions on the Western Front. In this game it is the same as the other Panzer divisions and far weaker than the SS panzer division values.

    Is this accurate?

  5. Thanks for this post. I missed this one the first time around. Mark has an amazing ability to hit the sweet spot in design, with just the perfect amount of chrome without going over the top, and I love the clean, beautiful look of the counters and maps in his games. It can be hard to keep track of what is coming up, so I am happy to see this and get my order in.

  6. KEN: I don’t think we printed enough counters for upgrade kits, but I could be wrong. Usually we print about 100 overs, so you might be able to order the map and counters individually after they collate and shrink wrap the game.

    STEPHEN: I did increase the strength of the 21st Pz Division in this version. It now has 8 steps of armor and AT as opposed to the 5 steps in the 2nd Panzer Division.

  7. What C3I edition will the “replacement” counters for the 2nd edition be in?

    Also, who and when do I contact somone about trying to get the 2nd edition maps/countersheets separately? I know you mentioned these would be available after the 2nd edition was shipped; when will that be?

    Thanks. BOB

  8. Hi Bob,
    I had no plans to reprint the replacement counters for a while. It has to wait until C3i uses the 9/16 counter die.

    You can order the map and counter sheets separately from the warehouse and download the rules and charts for free. The rules and charts should be appearing in the Living Rules site this week.

  9. I’m pleased to see that GMT are being true to their ethos of continuing to improve on the quality of their products including games that have already been produced such as the latest reprint of Normandy 44.
    I’ve noted the changes to the counters and map and the rules etc however I feel a bit disgruntled that, for myself, who purchased this game a few short years ago, that my copy is now obsolete unless I purchase the entire reprint or make do with my current map, no real issue there, and purchase the replacement counters by obtaining the C3i issue that includes them which is prohibitive due to cost of postage from the U.S. And the additional annoying custom charges from UK customs.
    I feel that when errors are made in the original design and then discovered at a later date, we, as the buyer and lifeblood of GMT, should be offered the updated counters free of charge along with the charts etc. I note that some of the items are being offered as a free download but how about a download for the counters or original updated counters posted out free of charge?

    Best regards
    Mike Palmer

  10. Mike, what I can do is include the new units in the next C3i. But for GMT to mail updated counter sheets to everybody who owned the first edition would be cost prohibited. The first edition was not broken. The only significant counter errors were including the TD battalions that had not upgraded yet to M10s. The fix to that is not use them.

    In a way GMT does provide an update kit for Normandy ’44. You can buy the counters from GMT and download all the rules and charts for free. Or you can wait for the counters to appear in C3i. But so much of the 2nd edition changes are minor it may not be worth it.

    It was never my intention to get customers of the 1st edition to buy the 2nd. But when given the chance to make a few minor changes to the game I felt I could not pass it up. In a way, its like what a car manufacturer does — each year a better version of the car model appears.

    • Might the planned expansion include the 1st Ed updates / 2nd Ed errata? I would imagine most owners of both editions will be picking it up.

    • Opps…just notice that this is for the 2nd edition which I already own. Please disregard…should have read it a bit closer…LOL