Here is a first collection of thoughts on French strategy in COS. I hope to write at least one article on strategy for each Power, and may get to a second if I just skip sleeping for the next year. Er, so, don’t hold your breath on that….
To start with a one-line look over the shoulder at Clash of Monarchs (COM) before we move on: The French are fun to play in COS; I repeat, for the benefit of all COM players [lifting megaphone] THE FRENCH ARE FUNNNNNNN TO PLAYYYYYY IN COSSSSSSSS. Who’da thunk it? A mere ten years later, the French are falling all over themselves in the Seven Years War, as a running comedy (Clermont as your CIC, anybody? :)). In COS, the French are RUNNING THE GAME. Yeah, baby – francophiles rejoice! The French have got big teeth, and the French are the THREAT.
How so? Let us count the ways…