The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Maneuver & Fire Mechanics

Below you will find the third in a series of designer’s notes articles from The Last Hundred Yards series designer Mike Denson. In this segment he will discuss the maneuver allowance and fire mechanics in LHY. You can also find this article on his ConsimWorld Community page. Enjoy! -Rachel

The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Initiative & Activation Cycle

Below you will find the second in a series of designer’s notes articles from The Last Hundred Yards series designer Mike Denson. In this segment he will discuss initiative and the activation cycle in LHY. You can also find this article on his ConsimWorld Community page. Enjoy! -Rachel

Inside the Opposing Armies of Dubno ’41 (Part 2): German Army – Bewegungskrieg Unleashed

The little known battle of Brody-Dubno pitted the highly proficient German Wehrmacht against the unproven Red Army colossus, both supported by their own air forces. In the first part of this article, I described the Red Army, and now it’s time to address the Germans.

Let’s take a look at the German forces and how they are modeled into FAB Dubno ’41.

Meet the Leaders & Gameboard of Hannibal’s Revenge

Introduction by Game Developer Fred Schachter: Hannibal’s Revenge builds upon the Card Conquest Game System pioneered by Hitler’s Reich GMT Games – Hitler’s Reich to allow one or two players (or teams of up to two players each) to refight the 2nd Punic War. (The rules are organized along the remastered rules model created by Kai Jensen for the 2nd edition of Hitler’s Reich.) 

Unique to Hannibal’s Revenge is the introduction of up to two Carthaginian and two Roman Field Armies, each depicted by a wooden cylinder. These are commanded by Leaders. They are maneuvered on the gameboard by expending a friendly Conflict Card’s point value and these armies can engage in battles or sieges. This is in addition to the Hitler’s Reich game mechanic of declaring an attack from an adjacent friendly-controlled area. There is also a single Macedonian Army which can be brought into the fray through winning its Event Card. If the preceding piques your interest; be assured there’s more to come with future InsideGMT articles. As to the map, with apologies for the hand-assembled appearance, here it is:

The Last Hundred Yards Designer’s Notes: Intro & Time Lapse System

Below you will find the first in a series of designer’s notes articles from The Last Hundred Yards series designer Mike Denson. In this segment he will introduce the article series and discuss the time lapse system in LHY. You can also find this article on his ConsimWorld Community page. Enjoy! -Rachel

The Chronicles of Ōnin #1: Civil War in Muromachi Japan

The Pure Land depicts the decade-long Ōnin War in 15th century Japan, a civil war for control of the Muromachi Bakufu set against a backdrop of peasant unrest and religious militancy. This conflict precipitated the Sengoku (or Warring States) period that would continue into the 16th century, and was the beginning of the slow decline of the established order. In future articles I will go into more detail about the factions involved in the war and how I have chosen to depict them, but first I will set the scene with a short historical overview of this era.

All Bridges Burning: Some Post-Publication Rules Variants

Until you have a community playing you don’t know how good of a job you’ve done.

Richard Garfield

A good half a year has passed since the publication of the COIN Series Volume X, All Bridges Burning. The reception has been amazing. The game was nominated for the Golden Geek Award, several good reviews have appeared (see here for a selection), and generally the feedback has been really positive. It seems that All Bridges Burning was able to bring something new and captivating on the table in the tried and tested COIN Series.

“It’s All in the Cards”: A Compendium of Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East’s Cards: Chapter Two, Part Two – Trade Cards

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East provides ten (10!) Trade cards… not cards the players trade with one another, but cards representing the Ancient World’s commercial environment and the forces which effected it. 

Please note cards are generally played sequentially by Civilization after the Deployment Phase which places disks upon the map. For an explanation and example of game Phases leading up to the Card Phase, see: Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East (ACME) Example of Play Part 1 of 3: Game Set-Up through Growth Phase – Inside GMT blog As to the Card Phase itself, see: Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East (ACME) Example of Play Part 2 of 3: Card Phase through Competition Phase – Inside GMT blog

Inside the Opposing Armies of Dubno ’41 (Part 1): Soviet Army – The Stumbling Colossus

The little known battle of Brody-Dubno pitted the highly proficient German Wehrmacht against the unproven Red Army colossus, both supported by their own air forces.

Let’s take a look at both sides’ forces and how they are modeled into Dubno ’41.

Faster Assault Resolution for Mons 1914 and Gallipoli 1915

Mons, 1914: The Mad Minute will include the 2.0 version of the Rifle and Spade series rules; the 1.0 version shipped with Gallipoli, 1915: Churchill’s Greatest Gamble. 

In the last chapter I described the new fire resolution method. In this chapter I will describe the streamlined charts used for assault resolution.