The Effect of Troop Quality in Illusions of Glory 

The second edition of Illusions of Glory: The Great War on the Eastern Front (“IoG”) is currently on the P-500 list. Links to prototype unit counters, player aid cards, mapboard, and playbook can be found on the IoG webpage. The following discussion includes rule references in parentheses. The rulebook can also be found on the IoG webpage. 

One big difference between IoG and the CDGs “Pursuit of Glory” or “Paths of Glory” is the operation of Troop Quality (“TQ”). This is a measure of combat effectiveness, as shown by the downward (negative) movement of Russian (“RU”), German (“GE”), Italian (“IT”), and Austro-Hungarian (“AH”) Troop Quality markers on the General Records Track. 

How to Play with Each Major Congress of Vienna Game Power: Britain (2024 Edition)

Introduction by Congress of Vienna Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: Game Designer Frank Esparrago here concludes his four parts “How to Play” treatise, one for each Congress of Vienna Major Power: France, Austria, Russia, and now Britain which readers and prospective players of the game will hopefully find edifying and enjoyable.

The goal of these expositions is to give CoV players, particularly “newbies”, insights as to how to exploit the advantages and defend against the weaknesses of each Major Power.  These articles are provided in recognition that our beloved hobby has so many titles to choose from that there’s little time to repeatedly play a given game to learn all the nuances not revealed by a rulebook.

When Frank or I host a Congress of Vienna game at a club meeting or convention, we’ll sometimes warn an inexperienced player not to do something which could impede an opportunity for success or result in potential grievous damage to that player’s pursuit of victory.  Well, Frank and I can’t be at your Congress of Vienna gaming table to provide that kind of advisory help… therefore, these articles are intended to be “the next best thing”.

For more regarding Congress of Vienna, with the referenced “Strategies” articles as well as pieces conveying Scenario Set-Ups, Optional Rules (such as the Tactical Battle Resolution Matrix and those not provided with the published game), after action reports, a compendium exploring all the game’s cards, designers notes for the Solitaire and Two Player games, as well as presentations of this fascinating Napoleonic era history in terms of the game, etc., see: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna

Incidentally, please note these “Strategies for” articles are based on a Congress of Vienna Standard Rules Full Campaign Game of potentially ten turns duration.

With that, take it away Frank!

Solitaire TacOps: Ortona — The Campaign Game as a Roguelike OODA Loop

In the previous series of InsideGMT articles for Solitaire TacOps: Ortona, I shared some of the inspiration for the design, discussed the role scale, effectiveness and maneuver play in the game, the structure of play from turn to turn, and what differentiates it as a hex and counter game. This article introduces the next series which aims to provide insights on what it feels like to play the game at both scales, as facilitated by the campaign system. The design goal was quite simple – players should feel like they are making impactful command decisions, over the course of a full campaign.

Players begin the campaign in command of the Canadian First Infantry Division whose mission is. Historically it took the division 23 days to push the allied line, on the Adriatic coast of Italy, from south of the Moro River to the sea town of Ortona. The open campaign challenges players to achieve this objective in 25 days or less.

The campaign explores how essential operational management is to success. Two frameworks which have had a heavy influence on how the game orients players for the campaign, are roguelike videogames and the OODA loop. Roguelike games have an operational framework that contextualizes the tactical play. OODA loops are situated tactically to sustain operational effectiveness. They do not perfectly define the TacOps experience but what they share parallels what it feels like to play the system.

 The National Will Death Spiral in Illusions of Glory

The second edition of Illusions of Glory: The Great War on the Eastern Front (“IoG”) is currently on the P-500 list. 

Links to prototype unit counters, player aid cards, mapboard, and playbook can be found on the IoG webpage. 

The following discussion includes rule references in parentheses. The rulebook can also be found on the IoG webpage. 

One big difference between IoG and the CDGs “Pursuit of Glory” or “Paths of Glory” is the operation of National Will (“NW”). This is a measure of popular support for the war effort, as shown by the upward (positive) or downward (negative) movement of Russian (“RU”), German (“GE”), and Austro-Hungarian (“AH”) National Will markers on the General Records Track. National Will is reduced by Victory Point (“VP”) space losses and by playing Event cards (23.2). 

How to Play with Each Major Congress of Vienna Game Power: Russia (2024 Edition)

Introduction by Congress of Vienna Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: Game Designer Frank Esparrago continues his InsideGMT exposition of CoV Major Power Strategy pieces, the last presented through a “Strategies for Austria” piece: How to Play with Each Major Congress of Vienna Game Power: Austria (2024 Edition) | Inside GMT blog . This link will bring you to other material regarding this fun and exciting GMT P-500 offering.

Please note this article, as its preceding France and Austria segments, presumes a four-player standard Congress of Vienna Full Campaign game without any Optional Historical Rules.

We believe it best to follow-up the Austria article with Russia since those two Congress of Vienna Major Powers are both simultaneously partners and rivals as only one player can win the game.  Consequently,  Russia and Austria are, to use a popular reference, “frenemies”. When should Russia actively partner with Austria versus taking a more cautious approach in seeking its own game victory? That’s an intriguing and  fascinating game play challenge Frank explores.

With that, take it away Frank!

Order & Opportunity: November 2024 Development Update

It’s been a very exciting few weeks for the development of Order & Opportunity.

Over here in Europe, the Essen Spiel Fair 2024 took place in early October. With a little bit of help from a friend, the Estonian designer and publisher Aigar Alaveer, I was able to get some table space and demo Order & Opportunity at the fair this year. It was great to see many gamers stop by ranging from those who said they had already backed the game as well as curious folks who seemed not to have played a historical game in their lives.

Aigar accommodated me at one corner of his booth space, for which I am extremely thankful. Be sure to check out Aigar’s games at Among others, I got the game Arabella published by Aigar and 2d6, billed as an “18xx roll and write” set in Estonia, which sounds absolutely fascinating.

Propaganda and Strategy in Hammer and Sickle

In the previous article, we covered the Production phase of each Season and saw the differences between Summer and Winter. In this final installment, we’ll explore the Propaganda phase of the Season and conclude with some strategic thoughts for how each faction can maximize their chances of victory.

Hope is born in [the people’s] hearts, and let us remember that if exasperation often drives men to revolt, it is always hope, the hope of victory, which makes revolutions. – Peter Kropotkin

How to Play Italy in Illusions of Glory

The second edition of Illusions of Glory: The Great War on the Eastern Front (“IoG”) is currently on the P500 list.

Links to prototype unit counters, player aid cards, mapboard, rules, and playbook can be found on the IoG webpage.

How to Play with Each Major Congress of Vienna Game Power: Austria (2024 Edition)

Introduction by Congress of Vienna Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: Game Designer Frank Esparrago continues his InsideGMT exposition of CoV Major Power Strategy pieces, the last presented through Part 2 of 2 of “Strategies for France”: How to Play with Each Major Congress of Vienna Game Power: France (2024 Edition) Part 2 of 2, Emphasis on War | Inside GMT blog. Attention is now given to Austria… whose Hapsburg players have challenges quite different from those in the role of the French emperor, Napoleon, as well as the two Allied Major Powers of Russian and Britain.  Yes, different indeed!

The Hammer and Sickle Economy

In the last article, we examined Combat in the game. This time, we’ll discover why the game is titled Hammer and Sickle as we look at the economy.

By themselves, the soldiers stopped the [Great War], while the peasants took over the land and the workers the factories. Lenin had only to sanction the accomplished fact to make sure of the sympathies of the soldiers, the peasants, and the workers. – Pavel Milyukov