In the third article in this series, I covered the first of the Central American civil wars featured in The Guerrilla Generation, El Salvador. In this article, I move on to the other Central American conflict and the last game in the pack, The Guerrilla Generation: Nicaragua. As with the game on El Salvador, the United States played a major role in the Nicaraguan civil war, serving as the external backer of the Contra insurgency against the Sandinista government. The Reagan Administration hoped to use the Contra insurgency as a means of pressuring the Sadninista regime into reforms, or at a minimum ceasing their alleged aid to the Salvadoran FMLN insurgency discussed in the last article. Nicaragua offers veteran COIN players the largest divergence from existing COIN mechanics, with a unique insurgent faction that almost entirely relies on external support and foreign sanctuaries to operate. Nicaragua also features alongside El Salvador in the “Resisting Reagan” Campaign scenario, which will be covered in my next InsideGMT article.
I specifically chose the Contra war in Nicaragua over the earlier Sandinista insurgency that toppled the Somoza regime in 1979 because I wanted to maximize the variation in the types of insurgencies featured in the multipack. The Contra war provides an opportunity for COIN players to explore an insurgency that heavily relied on external support, largely launching raids from external sanctuaries in Honduras and Costa Rica. Keeping Contra Commandos within Nicaragua will often prove difficult, particularly when faced with US Aid cut-offs. The Contra player aims to inflict as much damage as possible to the economy of Nicaragua through Sabotage and tying down Sandinista Troops. Contra Commandos frequently launched attacks on civilian targets associated with the government or economic development, such as transportation infrastructure, schools, or agricultural cooperatives. The nature of the Contra insurgency also shaped the Sandinista counterinsurgency response, which largely focused on mobility and firepower to counter raids by marauding Contras. Given the Contras’ more limited reliance on the local population, Sandinista counterinsurgency generally used less civilian victimization than other Governments in the multipack or broader COIN series. I hope these dynamics together give a very different feel than any other insurgency yet included in a COIN multipack or main series volume.