Below you will find the first in a series of After Action Report articles written by players participating in The Last Hundred Yards ladder play on BGG. If you would like to participate in the LHY ladder play, please contact Mark Buetow through the LHY Facebook page or on BGG. Enjoy!
Category Archives: After Action Report
“No Plan Survives Contact”: Playing Labyrinth: The Awakening (Part 1)
Congress of Vienna Standard Game After-Action-Report: “The Clash of Armies” Scenario (Turn 3 of 4 – Oct. 1813)
Introduction by Congress of Vienna Assistant Designer & Editor – Fred Schachter: The second turn of this After-Action-Report (AAR) chronicled game was exciting and interesting with France continuing to meet its comeuppance, and not repeating its brilliant turn one Diplomacy Phase performance (winning seven Issues! Remarkable!) since the Allies are now coordinating against “The Corsican Ogre”. For that remarkable feat, see: Congress of Vienna Standard Game After-Action-Report: “The Clash of Armies” Scenario (Turn 1 of 4 – Aug. 1813) – Inside GMT blog
Our players are having a blast playing Frank’s latest CoV scenario creation. So, let’s resume the game action of this Congress of Vienna “Clash of Armies” Standard Game contest as the massive struggle for Europe (and the War of 1812 in North America) continues… but first…
Atlantic Chase Session Report – The Operational Scenarios
I was waiting for this moment for so long. Finally, after myself and my main wargaming buddy – Jakub – were vaccinated, we decided that it is time to meet face to face. What a joy, what a fun, truly! After so many months of waiting, to bring the game to the table and play with a live opponent!
Well, but what title shall be tried for such an occasion? Recently I had such a blast with Atlantic Chase – just see my reports from video solo play of BL1 scenario and then picture-rich play-through of Blockade Scenarios – that I was very keen to try it multiplayer. It did not take me long to get from idea to execution and Jakub – being an ardent fan of all Naval games – eagerly agreed to play Atlantic Chase.
Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles Session Report – Azukizaka 1542 & 1548 AD
With great pleasure I played another two scenarios in Samurai Battles – it hit the table already for the fourth time in the last month so you can see what a great impression it had on me! With Lukasz we focus first on multi set-up engagements, which span across couple of chronologically connected battles. So far we have covered Arita Castle 1517 AD, Okehazama 1560 AD and Koriyama Castle 1540 AD. This time the choice was Azukizaka combats – one in 1542 and the second in 1548.
Congress of Vienna Standard Game After-Action-Report: “The Clash of Armies” Scenario (Turn 2 of 4 – Sept. 1813)
Vassal Screen: CoV “Clash of Armies” Game Situation – Start Turn 2, Sept. 1813
Introduction by Congress of Vienna Assistant Designer & Editor – Fred Schachter: The first turn of this After-Action-Report (AAR) chronicled game was an exciting and unusual one with France doing well against their disjointed enemies. It should be noted that this turn’s record, as well as the remaining reports of this series, shall depict battles in some detail… but not EVERY detail… particularly regarding full calculation of the dice roll modifiers which were evaluated to learn how much each side’s two dice battle rolls would be influenced. It’s really a simple checklist review to determine what to include. To learn more of the game’s battle resolution system, see the nifty video two of our media-savvy play test team created: How to Resolve Battle in Congress of Vienna: An Animated Voice-Over PowerPoint – Inside GMT blog
So let’s resume the game action of this Congress of Vienna “Clash of Armies” contest as the conflict expands to engulf the entire European continent with Austria’s entry into the war… but first…
“We’re Moving Through Kashmir”: Playing Next War India-Pakistan (Part 5)
Ian M. Sullivan is the Special Advisor for Analysis and ISR at the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, US Army Training and Doctrine Command.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog post do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Defense, Department of the Army, or Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC).
Atlantic Chase Solo Session Report – The Blockade Scenarios
In the below article I would like to invite Dear Readers to the fantastic travel into the world of solitaire scenarios and campaigns for Atlantic Chase. This will an after action report saturated with many photos as I think only pictures can reflect what was going on during the session. I used some pointers and arrows so you can see the flow of the action as well as grasp the dynamics of the conflict. Hope you will enjoy it!
“We’re Moving Through Kashmir”: Playing Next War India-Pakistan (Part 4)
Ian M. Sullivan is the Special Advisor for Analysis and ISR at the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, US Army Training and Doctrine Command.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog post do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Defense, Department of the Army, or Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC).
Congress of Vienna Standard Game After-Action-Report: “The Clash of Armies” Scenario (Turn 1 of 4 – Aug. 1813)
Introduction by Congress of Vienna Assistant Designer & Editor – Fred Schachter: This is the first STANDARD GAME Congress of Vienna Replay Article to grace the pages of InsideGMT. To date, each AAR used optional rules favored by CoV veteran grognard play testers… which encompasses all the “Wargame Flavor” rules the game offers. For those AAR’s and other related material to provide a rich background to best appreciate this article, see: GMT Games – Congress of Vienna .
These Wargame Flavor elements include those purple color-highlighted rule cross-references on CoV’s map (see above image) as well as other rules solely within the Playbook. While these are fun and add historiocity (such as including the Norway/Denmark Box)… the more things to consider does slow the pace of play down… not that our grognards mind! Designer Frank’s CoV play testers in Spain, however, consist of many a Eurogamer and they vastly prefer the smoother and less rule knowledge needed Standard Game. We now embark on the latest Congress of Vienna game replay adventure… enjoy!