This article picks up where the previous one left off. It will get you to the end of a game Year. If you would like to read Part One first, that can be found here. Enjoy!
Action Round 2 Begins
Like in the previous article, Actions, etc. are only outlined for this example.
Following the same 10 steps as in AR1, both players start by drawing one card from their respective Buildup deck (British card #10, French card #26), and the French also draws one Indian card (#52). In AR step #2, the British player decides to play his Reserve card (#5) and the French player chooses to play the card he just drew (#26). The Indian card is placed alongside them on the board.
The three cards in play are revealed (7.1 #3):
The dice icons on both cards are tied: in that case the French player wins the Initiative (7.1 #4). He decides to play first.
At AR step #5, the British ‘AR Start’ Event “Disease in French Camp” must be resolved: the French player grudgingly chooses one Metropolitan Brigade on Québec space and places it on his Losses box.
*** IF BOTH FACTIONS HAD AN ‘AR START’ EVENT: the First Player would resolve his Event first (7.1 #5). ***
Both factions perform their Action Phase one after the other (7.1 #6-7). As First Player, the French may decide to hold an AP of his French card as a Reaction AP, but he chooses not to.
*** Indian AP:May never be used as a Reaction AP (7.3.6). ***
After both Action Phases are completed, Battles are resolved (7.1 #9) on two spaces with Battle markers (British and French units present). At AR step 10, cards in play are discarded and the Round marker advances to ‘Fleets Arrive’ on the Round track.
Fleets Arrive Logistics Round (15.0)
In that first Logistics Round (LR), both factions draw and place Fleets and reinforcements (land units and Commanders).
First, the common British and French Fleets pool (5.2) is put in the small fabric bag supplied with the game. In all scenarios, the British player draws a random mix of Fleets of both factions, and possibly the French Navy Vagaries of War token (VoW 15.2.1). As indicated on the British scenario 2 setup sheet, he draws 7 counters: 2 French Fleets and all 5 British Fleets of the pool. The remainder of the pool (1 French Fleet and the VoW token) is removed from the bag and put back near the board top.
Next, the British player puts his Metropolitan Brigades pool in the bag and draws 6 counters (as indicated on his scenario 2 setup sheet): 1 “Fewer Troops” VoW token (in place of a much-needed Brigade), another VoW token that compensates by allowing him to pick 2 Light or Artillery units (he picks 2 crucially needed Light units), 3 Metropolitan Brigades, and 1 Highland Brigade with its much useful Battle Reroll (13.5). The officer gorget symbol (golden crescent) on that unit allows him to draw one Commander (3.7). He removes the remainder of the British Metropolitan Brigades pool from the bag, puts his Commanders pool in it and draws one Commander (Howe) that enter plays alongside the unit that triggered its draw. The remaining Commander (Wolfe) is removed from the bag.
*** Alternate Commander draw: Instead of being put in the bag, Commander counters may be placed face down on the table during setup to be picked randomly. ***
Now, the French player puts his Metropolitan Brigades pool in the bag. He draws 3 counters: all are Metropolitan Brigades. Luckily, he got none of the 2 “Fewer Troops” VoW tokens in that small pool.
*** Reinforcement placement (15.3):The British is always first to place his units. Fleets must be placed on a legal Coastal space. Other units must be placed with Fleets (or on a single legal space if no friendly Fleets were drawn). ***
Unit placement (15.3) is only outlined in this example.
Most British Fleets are placed on Coastal Home spaces (2.1.1, 2.1.6): 2 Fleets on Halifax with 3 Metropolitan Brigades, 1 Fleet on New York with the Commander, Highland Brigade and the 2 Light units, and finally 1 Fleet on captured Chignectou, allowed because it is a captured space adjacent to the friendly Atlantic Ocean SZ (10.6.2).
The French places his first Fleet on Miramichy and his second on Québec with his 3 Metropolitan Brigades. As all draws of Fleets Arrive LR are completed, the Round marker is advanced to ‘AR3’ on the Round track.
*** Non-drawn counters of pools:In a single-Year scenario such as this example, they will not be used except for Emergency Artillery (13.2). In multi-Year scenarios (e.g. scenario 3), pools remain for the following Year(s), sometimes with additions. ***
*** Drawn VoW Tokens: Some counters go back in the pool as indicated on them. Others are removed from play after application (15.2.1). ***
AR3 starts
As in previous ARs, both players draw one card from their respective Buildup deck (British card #4, French card #22). It is the last AR using these decks (to be replaced by the Campaign decks at Colonials Enlist LR). The Event on drawn Indian card #54 forbids Indian units activation this AR (compensated by one bonus Light AP to the French card in play). Both players choose to play the card they just drew. Then they are revealed.
The British player wins the Initiative and chooses to be First Player. The British ‘AR Start’ Event is resolved: one Reduced Colonial Light unit on captured Baye de Cataracouy and one Reduced Metropolitan Brigade on Lake George are flipped back to Full (3.0.2). and no Battle occurs as there is no space with units of both factions on it. At End of AR, the round marker advances to ‘Colonials Enlist’.
Colonials Enlist Logistics Round (16.0)
Making sure the bag is empty, the British player puts his Colonial Brigades pool in it. As indicated on scenario 2 British setup sheet, he draws 8 counters: 4 “New England” Colonial Brigades (most numerous in the pool), 1 “New York & New Jersey” Colonial Brigade, 1 “Virginia & South” Colonial Brigade, and 2 Colonial VoW tokens (16.2.1). One of these allows him to pick one Colonial Light unit (he chooses “Putnam”). The other, “Pennsylvania Musters”, gives him the 2 “Pennsylvania & Delaware” Colonial Brigades from scenario 2’s British bonus units pool. Remaining counters are removed from the bag.
The British player then places all Colonial Brigades on friendly spaces of a corresponding British Colony (16.3). The Colonial Light unit may be placed on any British Home space: the British player places it on Carlisle to hamper any Raid attempt on that space worth 2 Raid points. There are no French reinforcements in the Colonials Enlist LR.
*** DISBANDED COLONIAL BRIGADES PLACEMENT: Not relevant in a single-Year scenario, or in the first Year of a multi-Year scenario. ***
The all-important last step of LR2 is performed (16.4): both players take their Campaign deck (with more APs per card on average). The last card of each Buildup deck is discarded (British #3, French #24). The Indian deck remains, and each player keeps his Reserve card.
Remaining ARs
After Colonials Enlist LR, all units of the Year are in play. The AR procedure is repeated from AR4 to AR9. The next example covers one of these ARs in detail.
*** CAMPAIGN DECK: Used from AR4 to AR9 (more APs per card). ***
Winter Quarters Logistics Round (17.0)
That LR takes place after the last AR of the Year (AR9). It starts by a Victory Check (17.1, 18.2). In single Year scenarios such as scenario 2, that check concludes the game.
In multi-Year scenarios, a series of steps (17.2) to prepare the following Year are performed if no faction reached the Victory Threshold indicated on the scenario sheet. It includes Return to Colonies (17.3), where most units of both factions must reach a friendly Home Space on a friendly Colony (no AP required).
*** WAR IN EUROPE CHITS: are gained through the elimination of Metropolitan Brigades. They can shift slightly the Victory marker during the Victory Check (2 VPs at most). ***
AP: Action Point (on card)
AR: Action Round
LR: Logistics Round
VoW: Vagaries of War (token)
VP: Victory Point
NEXT ARTICLE: Detailed Action Round Example
Previous Article: Bayonets & Tomahawks Warpath Chronicles #9: Game Year Example Part One
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