The next attack involves two French units with a Leader attacking one Spanish unit.
Here’s a picture of the center of the map after the French shock. Next will be the two highlighted Continue Battles.
The first Continue Battle in the north does nothing since there is nobody in his front hexes.
The second one DOES cause another Shock Combat.
Ed. Note – Since it’s a Continuation Attack which is separate from a Shock attack, the other two adjacent French units cannot participate in the Shock Combat.
Center section of the map after the Continue Combat.
The French will try to Activate Dampierre’s (Blue…err…Aqua….or is is Turquiose. Let’s just call it blue) wing.
Spanish Comment – Initially I was going to use my 0-6 Seizure chit but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be better to play the odds and let him try to roll less than a 3.
The French need a 3 or less.
French roll – 0
Spanish Comment – Well crap.
French Comment – Ha!
Here’s the map after the French move. There was only one Fire instance (the highlighted unit) and neither side hit.
Shock Combat
The French have four Shock combats.
Ed. Note – The French MM cannot retreat before combat because he is disordered.
Continue Shock Combat
The French has one Continue Attack Shock combat.
North part of the map, after Shock combat.
Spanish Comment – Madruzzo’s (Blue) wing is decimated. This may be a disaster in waiting.
The French will try to Activate Enghien’s (Black) wing.
The French need a 2 or less (Enghien is a 3 Activation -1 for the 2nd Activation).
Spanish Comment – I will play the odds again. He can’t be that lucky.
French roll – 2, Yes.
French Comment – See? God is on our side.
Move/Fire Phase
The French fire their Artillery first.
Here’s the center part of the map after the French Artillery Fired.
Ed. Note – So this looks bad for the Spanish but looks can be deceiving. If the French player moves correctly, he can devastate the Spanish line. However, if he moves incorrectly, he can put Enghien’s (Black) wing in a position where the Spanish player can collapse both Salerno (Green) and Cardona’s (Brown) wing against him. Therefore, having Boutieres (Red) wing be closer would help. If the Spanish player attacks with Salerno’s (Green) wing into the flank of Enghien’s (Black) wing, then the French player could counter this by slamming Boutieres (Red) wing into Salerno’s wing.
Center part of the map after French move. Highlighted unit fired, to no effect on either side.
Shock Phase
The French have four Shock attacks.
Ed. Note – Just a reminder, when a defender retreats you HAVE to advance.
Here’s the center part of the map after Shock Combat.
And here is a picture of the entire map.
French Comment – Game over man. Game over.
Ed. Note – I like the French confidence but he is far from correct. Enghien’s (Black) wing is badly out of place. I understand the desire to charge the enemy and eliminate units, but I think he has put himself too far forward. Personally, I would have not advanced as far and instead put my units in a good, solid defensive line, possibly rallying my disordered units. Pus, again, I must harp on the sluggish advance of Boutieres (Red) wing. If he was just 3-4 hexes closer he could protect Enghien’s wing.
The French will try to Activate Boutieres (Red) wing.
The French need a 1 or less (Boutieres is a 3 Activation -2 for the 3rd Activation).
Spanish Comment – He can’t get lucky three times in a row, can he?
French Roll – 4, No.
French Comment – I really needed that roll.
Flight Point Totals
French – 4
Spanish – 30
Spanish Free Activation for Cardona (Brown)
Spanish Comment – If I can bring them into the battle and collapse the French wing under Dampierre (blue) then I can even up the battle.
Below is a map of the Northern part of the map after the Move/Fire Phase. The highlighted units fired but didn’t hit much. One French unit hit, and two Spanish units did.
Continue Attack Phase
The Spanish will try to Activate Salerno’s (Green) wing.
The Spanish need a 3 or less.
French play a 0-6 Seize initiative.
French roll – 7
Results in a free activation for Spanish. They will activate Salerno’s (Green) wing.
Here’s the southern part of the map after the Green Move/Fire. Only a couple of units hit.
Since the Attacker had a loss inflicted in Shock against them, they have to roll for Leader Loss. In Shock combat a leader dies on a die roll >= 7.
Spanish Roll – 8, Salerno Dies. He will be replaced with a Replacement Leader during the next activation.
My troops, it saddens me to report that our glorious leader, General Salerno, has bravely died while leading us into battle. Let us all Pray.”
“Hey Corporal Pasqual, who died?”
“The leader of our Troops.”
“You know the General in charge of all of us.”
“Wait. Oh, you mean that dude who rode that big white horse and dressed really well? Had all those medals? That guy?”
“Yes private, that guy. Who did you think was our leader?”
“I don’t know…I always thought it was some god-like being named Steve.”
“Private, that is just nuts.”
Overheard after the Battle in which Salerno died
Continue Attack Phase
Here is the southern part of the map after the Spanish Activation.
The Spanish will try to Activate Marduzzo’s (Blue) wing.The Spanish need a 3 or less.
Spanish roll – 6, No
Flight Point Totals
French – 20
Spanish – 32
Dampierre (Aqua) Activation (Free)
The French activate the north wing under Dampierre (Blue or Aqua)
As part of their move, LCA units can fire at any point of their move. Unlike other units, this does not end their move. The only downside is that they must pay 1 MP to do so if they are adjacent to an enemy unit. Oh, and if they’re in the front facing of an enemy they will take fire. That is why you use their high speed to hit enemies in the flank or rear.
Next Week: Part 4 (Final)
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