Apocalypse Road: The Essendarium – Part 7

“This is part 7 of the fictionalized Essendarium replay. Today we complete the team run-down and prepare for the race itself next week. Since we have crossed the 500 mark and the game is ready to roll into the art department, it is just a matter of time before we start working on the finished product. That said, if you want to become a part of the Thunderverse, your opportunities are drawing to an end.” 

On the Friday before the big event, the remaining four teams arrived in short order. Each of these teams have their own identity and style of racing.

The Archmage Engines, controlled by the secretive and shadowy Mr. Nobody always arrive with great fanfare and dramatics. This helps Mr. Nobody stay hidden behind the scenes as the pyrotechnics and loud music create the perfect misdirection for his back-door entrance. Much like the team’s outward persona, most of the AE’s drivers are flamboyant, aggressive and audacious. The team boasts three drivers that are consistently ranked in the top 10 on the circuit. Ole Tubli happens to not only be one of the fastest rabbits in the Thunderverse but also a mean guitar player. Gid Zornes is a head-down nose to the grindstone type who never relents during the race. Sargon, the Winged Bull, Ashur is one of the top scoring shooters ever on the circuit and a master metal-worker in his spare time. The rest of the crew is not much different, each is a top driver and highly qualified in a skill off the track from accounting to geology.

Following the Archmages into the garage area are the Ghost Reapers. If the Archmage Engines are well-rounded, the Ghost Reapers are truly one-dimensional. The Ghost Reapers are the top shooting team in the Thunderverse. They have the highest hit percentage and elimination rate on the circuit. They travel with their own shooting range and where other teams may bake or hunt or carouse, the Ghost Reapers just shoot. Their big three hitters; Federico “Vetinari” Galeotti, Ewen “40612” Lesouef and Jonn Rock are the most feared and avoided trio of shooters on the track. Getting stuck in their crosshairs means an early end to your day. Even Austin Van De Weerd, their speedster, has the highest shooting accuracy of any rabbit on the circuit.

Next to last to arrive are the plucky underdogs that are The Big Damn Heroes. Led by Warthog Smythe, this plucky group of misfits and mercenaries always seem behind the eight-ball and yet somehow manage to carve out a solid finish in the end. Their vehicles are one notch above junk and their resources are always second (or third) hand used parts. Their skill as mechanics, drivers, shooters and just plain grit serve them well. Their top drivers are some of the most experienced and mentally tough in the business. Emma “Bear” DeBaz and Agincourt Charlie are two of the most aggressive rabbits on the track. Andy Powell and Gemma “Pinkthunder” Powell are two shooters that use antiquated weapons that most would have placed in the salvage bin a decade ago. But, they make them work and work well. Always underestimated, The Big Damn Heroes seem to come out of nowhere each and every event to post a solid showing.

The final team to show for the main event is the Scurvy Dogs led by Captain Cutter. Hoisting the Jolly Roger and dressed as a cross between Adam Ant and Blackbeard, this group of ruffians and hell-raisers are the least liked team on the circuit. Their best drivers, Poo and Mad Dash Cash manage to keep them in most events but their penchant for chaos and theft means that most tracks won’t grant them entry until just 24 hours before the event starts to keep their disruption to a minimum. What this team really needs is a strong leader to take the reins and focus their unbridled energy into racing.

Carla and I would like to thank those below that sponsored the following teams and drivers.

Archmage Engines

Mr. Nobody from parts unknown (Rob Heinsoo)

Gid Zornes (Z3)                                     Carla Horger

Ole Tubli (OLE)                                      Rob Heinsoo

Sargon “The Winged Bull” Ashur         (BUL)   Richard DeBaz

Vince Toretto (33)                                  Available

Cassie “Dirty” Murray (DM)                   Available

Dom Spillner (77)                                  Available

Leon Ortiz (55)                                       Available

Jesse Hobbs (66)                                    Available

Ghost Reapers

Unowned (Available)

Austin Van De Weerd (41)                     Carla Horger

Hope “Huff” Aldiline (6)                          Available

Mangle Williams (7)                              Available

Federico “Vetinari” Galeotti (777)          Federico Galeotti

Ewen “40612” Lesouef (4)                      David Lesouef

Jonn Rock (JR3)                                      Jonn Rockwell

Nick Le’Testu (8)                                    Available

Sally Ride (9)                                          Available

Big Damn Heroes

Warthog Smythe (Available)

Emma “Bear” DeBaz (HWK)                  Richard DeBaz

Agincourt Charlie (1)                             Adam Gottfried

Andy Powell (044)                                  Andy Powell

Gemma “Pinkthunder” Powell (08)        Andy Powell

Derrial Tam (72)                                     Available         

Simon Reynolds (27)                              Available         

Kaylee Washburne (28)                         Available         

Hoban Serra (Q)                                                Available

Scurvy Dogs

Captain Cutter (Available)

Dirk “Road Rash” Rhodes (90)                 Available         

Calico Jack (91)                                      Available         

“Poo” (P00)                                            James Williams

Jain Brodick (93)                                    Available         

Mad Dash Cash (MDB)                          Michael Boughton

Anne Bonny (97)                                    Available         

Mary Read (98)                                     Available         

“Black” Bart Roberts (0)                     Available                     

There are many driver spots still available. If you are so inclined, for $20 you receive the following benefit.

  • Driver Naming Rights allowing you to name one driver and assign that driver a 1 to 3 digit ID.

If you would like to sponsor the white/gray, pink, light green or green team for $100 you would receive the following benefits.

  • Naming Rights including Team Name, Owner Name, Team Location, Team Color and Logo Input.
  • Driver Naming Rights allowing you to Name one driver and assign that driver a 1 to 3 digit ID.

If this interests you, please contact Jeff Horger at jagrcz68@aol.com and we can get the ball rolling. There are still also drivers available on the Green, Yellow, Black, and Golden Gate Orange teams as well. Carla & I are happy to help all of you that want to be a part of the Thunderverse to get on to a team.

If you just want to play the game, we need your votes with your wallet on the GMT P500 right now. We’ve made the cut and sit at 514 orders right now, but there is absolutely no reason to not get your game reserved early. If you back it now the discount is pretty substantial ($72 down to $49) so now is the time to get in on the deal. https://www.gmtgames.com/p-623-apocalypse-road.aspx

Previous Article in this Series: Apocalypse Road: The Essendarium — Part 6

Next Article in this Series: Apocalypse Road: The Essendarium – Part 8, Ready to Explode

Jeff Horger
Author: Jeff Horger

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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