Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Greeks

Below is the sixteenth in a series of articles from Mark McLaughlin showcasing the 16 civilizations in Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East. You can find the first fifteen articles in the series here.

It was the fault of the Greek gods, who with their arrogance, encouraged me to march onto your lands. Nobody is mad enough to choose war whilst there is peace. During times of peace, the sons bury their fathers, but in war it is the fathers who send their sons to the grave.

Herodotus, Histories (484-425 BC)

The Greeks were comparative latecomers to ACME’s stage when compared to the Egyptians and Babylonians, yet their colonies in Ionia (western Anatolia) were rich, vibrant city-states that made and left their mark on the region – and on history. 

Those who wish to add the Greeks into games of the early Epochs can consider them to be the Myceneans of the Homeric sagas, and there is a scenario where they form the core of Alexander’s Macedonians. In any era, these are a people to be reckoned with, as they gain a bonus in Growth but also a significant bonus in Competition.

(Please note that this is a segment of the early playtest map for Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East. This is not final art.)

In the game, the Greeks are a civilization which looks for Competitions to win and Cities to sack. While they do get a geographically restricted bonus disk in Growth, their strength lies in their ability to influence two Competitions a turn. Based in the board’s northwest corner, they have their flanks protected by the edges of the map and are perfectly poised to be both a naval and a land power – with ability to reach across the seas to harry Egypt, or lash out across the waters at the northern edge of the map to reach deep into the eastern mountains. Furthermore, from their Anatolian enclaves they’re well positioned to march overland down the coast or into the riches of the Fertile Crescent.

To find out more about the Greeks  check out:

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Sumerians

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Egyptians

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Elamites

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Indus Valley Civilizations (or “Dravidians, Harappans, and Mauryans, oh my!”)

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Assyrians

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Akkadians

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Babylonians

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Hittites

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Mittani

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Sea Peoples

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Israelites

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Cimmerians

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Medes & Persians

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Chaldeans

Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East: Meet the Scythians

Mark McLaughlin
Author: Mark McLaughlin

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