All Bridges Burning: Examples of Play to Keep the Doctor Away #4: March + Crackdown

This is our fourth installment in a series of posts in which we go through all the commands and special activities of the newly released COIN Series game, All Bridges Burning, Volume X.


March is a command available to the Reds and Senate only. Moreover, the command is available only when the game has entered Phase II, the war phase of play. The purpose of the March command is to move cells from one space into an adjacent space.

The white Senate forces are about to March from two adjacent spaces into Häme (green pawns). The cost of the action is determined by the number of marching cells: four white cells from the Northern group and two from the Eastern group make up six cells, costing two resources in total. The Train and Jaeger capability markers from the North may move into Häme without an extra cost. (The image has been captured from the VASSAL module for playing the game electronically. The module was created by Brian Reynolds and can be downloaded and used for free here.)

The cost is one resource per selected target space ―plus an additional cost depending on the number of pieces marching, more on this below. Note first one familiar aspect of Marching also known from elsewhere in the COIN Series: you pay for spaces into which you are marching, while the marching pieces may come from multiple, adjacent source spaces (with no extra cost being thereby imposed on the action).

Each resource paid for March covers the cost of moving up to three cells. Thus, if you were wanting to move four cells, you’d have to pay two resources. For the same cost of two resources, you’d be able to move up to six cells.

Note that the Reds player may march with Russians, free, one Russian troops cube per each moving Reds cell.

In case you are wondering: no, Senate may not similarly march with Germans. In an upcoming article we will talk about the Coordinate special activity with which the Senate player may gain temporary control of the German movements.

Finally, if there is Train Capability marker marching with the moving forces, remember that Trains may never cross space borders that have been sabotaged. We talked about sabotage in the context of the Prepare special activity (see here).


Crackdown is a special activity only available to the Senate faction in Phase II of the game. Crackdown can be used to remove one level of opposition in one space.

For Senate to be able to Crackdown, the selected space most be under Senate control, contain an active Senate cell (the symbol-side of the piece showing), and there must be some level of opposition in the space.

The consequence of Crackdown is that a white Terror marker is placed in the selected space and Polarization increases by one. Just as with the Terror command, Polarization increases only if a Terror marker is able to be placed. This may not always be the case if the selected space already contains two Terror markers (either color, combined) which is the stacking limit for Terror markers.

Finally, Crackdown removes one level of opposition in the targeted. For example, one level is the reduction from active to passive opposition, or alternatively, from passive opposition to neutral.

Previous Articles: 

All Bridges Burning: Examples of Play to Keep the Doctor Away #1: Rally + Prepare

All Bridges Burning: Examples of Play to Keep the Doctor Away #2: Activism + Political Event

All Bridges Burning: Examples of Play to Keep the Doctor Away #3: Terror + Foreign Relations

V.P.J. Arponen
Author: V.P.J. Arponen

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