A Brief Example of Fire Resolution in The Last Hundred Yards

The following article shows a brief example of how Fire Resolution works in The Last Hundred Yards. Enjoy!

21.8 Fire Resolution

Simple Fire Resolution

In this example, the American force is subject to both a Mortar Fire Attack (represented by the Red 2 MDRM marker), and the Small Arms Fire attack (represented by the Green 0 and –1 SADRM markers).

Non-vehicular units are subject to all SADRM and MDRM markers in their hex at the time of Fire Resolution. [Note: In cases where both players have units in the same hex (i.e., an assault) a player’s units are subject only to the SADRM markers on his units while both player’s units are subject to all MDRM markers in the hex].

One die is rolled for each SADRM and MDRM marker in the hex. In this example, a 2, is rolled for the 2 MDRM marker resulting in a Final Fire Attack Result of 4, a 9 is rolled for the –1 SADRM marker resulting in a Final Fire Attack Result of 8, and a 10 is rolled for the 0 SADRM marker resulting in a Final Fire Attack Result of 10. [Note: The Final Fire Attack Result of 10 would be reduced by 1 if the hex contained a friendly undisrupted platoon leader of the same platoon, provided the platoon leader’s Cohesion was greater than the Cohesion of the best combat unit (i.e., 2nd Squad) in the hex.] Only the single highest Final Fire Attack Result (not necessarily the highest die roll) is used and all others are ignored. In this case, the Final Fire Attack Result of 10 is the highest result. The 2nd Squad, being the best combat unit in the hex, would suffer a casualty and disrupt, and all other units (i.e., Lt. Murphy and Section c) in the hex must conduct a Cohesion Check and would disrupt if they fail.

21.8.3 Fire Resolution in an Assault Hex

At the beginning of the game turn, Lt. Murphy and the 1st Squad are in an IP in hex H9. The German 1st Squad, 1st Platoon is in hex I9 and the German 3rd Squad, 1st Platoon is in hex J9. The German player has the Initiative and selects the 1st Kp., and was unsuccessful in his Coordination attempt.

He activates the 1st Platoon of the 1st Kp., and first conducts two small arms fire attacks, from the 2nd Squad and a MG section (these units are not shown) of the 1st Platoon, against hex H9 and places a 0 and a –1 SADRM marker respectively in the hex suppressing the American units. He then declares an assault from an adjacent hex [13.2.1] with the German 1st Squad, moving it into hex H9, and places a German Assault Nationality marker in the hex. Next he maneuvers his 3rd Squad into hex I10, adjacent to hex H9, and declares an assault from a non-adjacent hex [13.2.2] and places a German Assault Arrow marker on the 3rd Squad pointing to the hex being assaulted and calls for Reaction from the American player. [Units in a hex marked with an Assault Nationality marker cannot react. The one exception being that a non-disrupted platoon leader can request an MFA, if available, in his hex; 13.3.1a.]

Lt. Murphy requests an MFA from Baker Co. 60mm mortar sec-tion on his own hex. The corresponding FO and its Primary Impact marker is placed in hex H9. A –2 MDRM marker [0 for the MV, –2 for the IP] is placed in the primary impact hex and a single die roll is made to determine the location of the secondary impact hex. The secondary impact hex is I10 and a –1 MDRM marker [0 MV, –1 for the secondary impact hex] is placed in the secondary impact hex. The American player calls for Reaction from the German player who passes followed by the American player who also passes. In the following Marker Adjustment Step, the German 3rd Squad would normally be placed in the assault hex. But in this case it is not placed in the assault hex because it cannot enter a primary impact hex and instead remains in its current hex and suffers the fire attack (i.e., red –1 MDRM marker) in the Fire Resolution Phase. Note that if the assault hex had not been a primary impact hex, the German 3rd Squad could have exited the secondary impact hex [11.4.8e] and entered the assault hex (H9) provided it does not disrupt when it exits.

The Fire Resolution can be resolved in any order and for this ex-ample we will explore the effects on each unit beginning with the American force.

The American units in the assault hex are subject to both the 0 and –1 SADRM markers and the –2 MDRM marker. The results are respectively: 7 [0 SADRM, + die roll of 7], 5 [–1 SADRM, + die roll of 6], and 8 [–2 MDRM, + die roll of 10]. Only the Final Fire Result of 8 is used, as it is the most detrimental result, and all other result are ignored [12.1, Step 1]. The American 1st Squad disrupts and Lt. Murphy must conduct a Cohesion Check.

The German 1st Squad in the assault hex is subject to the –2 MDRM marker only. Note that the same die roll for the Mortar Fire Attack is used for both sides. The Final Fire Result of the mortar attack against the German 1st Squad is 10 [0 MDRM, + die roll of 10] instead of a Final Fire Result of 8 for the American units because the German 1st Squad does not receive the –2 for the IP [12.1, Step 2]. As a result, because the Final Fire Result is > 10, the German 3rd Squad suffers a casualty and disrupts. Play now proceeds to the Assault Resolution Phase.

A Brief Example of Platoon Activation in The Last Hundred Yards

A Brief Example of Assault in The Last Hundred Yards

Mike Denson
Author: Mike Denson

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