A Brief Example of Assault in The Last Hundred Yards

The following article shows a brief example of how Assault work in The Last Hundred Yards. Enjoy!

21.9.1 Assault

In this example, the active (German) player has the Initiative and has activated the German 1st Platoon. First, the German MG section in hex E7 conducts a fire action to suppress the American infantry Section d and a 0 SADRM marker [1 for the MG section’s SADRM, –1 for the hill] is placed in hex D4. The German 3rd Squad, which begins adjacent to the American 2nd Squad in hex C5, assaults from an adjacent hex and is immediately moved into the hex with the American 2nd Squad and a German Assault Nationality marker is placed in the hex showing that the Germans are the attacker. The German player then announces an assault from a non-adjacent hex and maneuvers Lt. Steiner and the German 2nd Squad, temporarily stopping in hex D5, and places a German Assault Arrow in the hex with Lt. Steiner and the German 2nd Squad. The German player now calls for Reaction from the American player. The American (non-active) player reacts by conducting a fire action with Section d against Lt. Steiner and the German 2nd Squad as they maneuver through hex D5 and places a 0 SADRM [0 for its SAV, –1 for Suppression, and 1 because the Target Maneuvered within 2 hexes and in LOS] in the hex. The American player then moves Lt. Murphy and Section c into hex C5 reinforcing the American 2nd Squad. Note that although Lt. Steiner and the German 2nd Squad are temporarily stopped, they will be placed in the assault hex (unless they declare a Feint []) during Marker Adjustment of the Platoon Activation Cycle. If Lt. Murphy does not react now, reinforcing the 2nd Platoon, he will not be able to do so after Lt. Steiner and the German 2nd Squad is placed in the assault hex unless another German unit conducts an action in its LOS in a subsequent Platoon Activation Cycle.

The American player calls for Reaction from the German player. Both players pass on any further reaction. Lt. Steiner and the German 2nd Squad are now placed in the assault hex along with an Encirclement marker because the German combat units entered the assault hex (C5) from two non-adjacent hex sides. This ends the current Platoon Activation Cycle and play proceeds to the Fire Resolution Phase. For this example, both fire attacks have no effect.

During the Assault Phase each player determines his force’s Total Assault Value. The German’s Total Assault Value is 8 [2 for the Assault Value of the 3rd Squad, 2 for the Assault Value of the 2nd Squad, 1 for Lt. Steiner, 2 for the Encirclement marker, and 1 for the Cohesion Differential (7 vs 6), the difference in the Cohesions of the best German combat unit (3rd Squad) vs the Cohesion of the best American combat unit (2nd Squad)]. The Total Assault Value for the American player is 6 [2 for the Assault Value of the 2nd Squad, 1 for Section c, 1 for Lt. Murphy, 1 for the IP, and 1 because at least one German combat unit assaulted from a lower level (uphill)]. The German’s Final Assault DRM is 2 [8 for the German’s Total Assault Value less 6, for the American’s Total Assault Value]. To resolve the assault, the German player makes a single die roll of 6 and adds 2 (the Final Assault DRM) for a total of 8 and refers to the corresponding row on the Assault Resolution Table and executes the results in the order written. In this case, the American units must retreat and conduct a Cohesion Check. Both players then must check for Leader Loss and all undisrupted units, whether attacker or defender, are marked as Regrouping.

21.9.2 Combined Force Assault

In this example, the active (German) player has the Initiative and has activated the German 1st Platoon. First, the German player conducts a fire action with the German 2nd Squad against the American 2nd Squad in hex E4 and places a 0 SADRM marker [1 for its SAV,  –1 for firing up a hill or into woods (note that a player gets one or the other TEM, but not both)] in the hex occupied by the American 2nd Squad. Being that Lt. Steiner, 3rd Squad and Pz IV #2 are in the same hex at the beginning of their action and within 2 hexes of hex D4, the German player can declare a Combined Force Assault and does so. Unlike an assault from a non-adjacent hex, units of a Combined Force Assault are not required to stop temporarily in an adjacent hex. Instead, units of a Combined Force Assault, in this case Lt. Steiner, his 3rd Squad and Pz IV #2, are immediately moved into hex D4 occupied by Lt. Murphy and Section c.

A German Assault Nationality marker is placed in the hex showing that the Germans are the attacker. The German player calls for Reaction from the American player. The American player reacts by maneuvering his 2nd Squad into hex D4, reinforcing Lt. Murphy. Note that the American 2nd Squad must carry its 0 SADRM marker with it when it enters the assault hex.

The American player calls for Reaction from the German player and both players pass on any further reaction. This ends the current Platoon Activation Cycle and play proceeds to the Fire Resolution Phase. For this example, the fire attack against the American force has no effect.

Play now proceeds to the Assault Phase with each player determining his force’s Total Assault Value. The German’s Total Assault Value is 6 [2 for the Assault Value of the 3rd Squad, 1 for Lt. Steiner, 2 for Pz IV (3 less 1 for its motion), and 1 for the Cohesion Differential (7 vs 6), the difference in the Cohesions of the best German combat unit (3rd Squad) vs. the Cohesion of the best American combat unit (2nd Squad)]. The Total Assault Value for the American player is 6 [2 for the Assault Value of the 2nd Squad, 1 for Section c, 1 for Lt. Murphy, 1 for the IP, and 1 because a least one German combat unit assaulted from a lower level]. The German’s Final Assault DRM is 1 [6 for the German’s Total Assault value, less 6 for the American’s Total Assault Value]. To resolve the assault, the German player makes a die roll, and adds 0 (the Final Assault DRM), and refers to the corresponding row on the Assault Resolution Table and executes the results in the order written.

21.9.3 Vehicle Destruction Attempt

In the example below, the German player has won the assault. Because the American player has an undisrupted squad in the hex, he is allowed a Vehicle Destruction Attempt [13.6.2] against the German tank. The American player refers to the Vehicle Destruction Attempt Table and determines that the net Vehicle Destruction DRM is 4 [2 for a squad of any nationality, +2 for the LATW section]. The American player’s die roll is 5 + 4 for the net Vehicle Destruction DRM for a final result of 9. Because the final result is less than 10, the Vehicle Destruction Attempt failed. Because the Americans lost the assault, the American units must now retreat and conduct a Cohesion Check.

In this example, in the lower right, the German player has won the assault, and because he has an undisrupted squad in the hex, he is allowed a Vehicle Destruction Attempt against the American tank. The German player refers to the Vehicle Destruction Attempt Table and determines that the net Vehicle Destruction DRM is 6 [2 for a squad of any nationality, +2 for a German squad after 9/43 (i.e., Panzerfaust), +3 because the American tank is un-supported in or adjacent to a cover terrain hex, and –1 for its Motion marker]. The German player’s die roll is 7, +6 for the net Vehicle Destruction DRM for a final result of 13. Because the final result is greater > 10, the Vehicle Destruction attempt was successful and the American tank is destroyed.

A Brief Example of Platoon Activation in The Last Hundred Yards

Mike Denson
Author: Mike Denson

1 thought on “A Brief Example of Assault in The Last Hundred Yards”

  1. “The German’s Final Assault DRM is 1 [6 for the German’s Total Assault value, less 6 for the American’s Total Assault Value]. To resolve the assault, the German player makes a die roll, and adds 0 (the Final Assault DRM)”

    I think that first “1” needs to be a “0”.

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