To see the previous parts of this Example of Play, check out Part 1 (Basic Game AP Combat), Part 2 (Advanced Game AP Combat), and Part 3 (Advanced Game ATGM Dodge) on InsideGMT.
The Situation – Advanced Game GP Fire
A US M150, Seasoned Unit Grade, located in a Clear hex and a Soviet Heavy Motor Rifle squad, Veteran Unit Grade, located in a Scrub hex are engaging one another at an unblocked range of 3 hexes. Both units are at the same Height and have Fire commands. The Soviet player is the First Player. As such, the Motor Rifle squad resolves its fire first. Its Fire command is revealed.
The M150 is within spotting range as the actual range of 3 hexes is less than 20 hexes, which is the maximum spotting range when attempting to spot a vehicle in None type Cover [Clear-type terrain]. At a range of 3 hexes for GP Direct Fire, the GP Range Factor is S – Short Range, and GP Factor is 8. The M150’s GP Defense Factor is 1P [P indicates a Protected-type vehicle].
The GP Fire modifiers are now checked for any effect. The Net Modifier is –10 as a result of the following modifier:
- Target P-Type Vehicle –10
The 8 GP Factor column on the GP Combat Table is cross-referenced with the GP Defense Factor of 1. The two numbers found are 22 for the N-Effect [No Effect] and 54 for the S-Effect [Suppression Effect]. The Soviet player rolls (100) [rolls two different colored 10-sided dice]. The result is 81, so the net roll is 71 (81-10). Since 71 is greater than 54 the combat is an Effective Result. The Motor Rifle squad is marked with a Spot/Fire counter, turned sideways indicating small arms fire, under the edge of its Command counter [this is to indicate that the counter was not present during the turn’s Spotting Phase].
Since the GP Range Factor is S, and the M150 is a P-Type vehicle, the actual result is a Suppression [If the range had been P-Point Blank, it would be an Effective Result]. It is marked with a Suppression/On counter.
Now the M150 resolves its fire. Its Fire counter is revealed. It is going to fire both its ITOW and its MMG [Even though ITOW is an ATGM (Anti-tank Guided Missile) it may still fire at leg units]. It must apply the just incurred Shooter Suppressed modifier. The Heavy Motor Rifle squad is within spotting range as the actual range of 3 hexes is less than 5 hexes, which is the maximum spotting range when attempting to spot an S-Sized [leg units are either S (small) of L (large) size] Target in Light Cover [Scrub-type terrain]. For the ITOW, at a range of 3 hexes for GP Direct Fire, the GP Range Factor is S – Short Range, and GP Factor is 13. The Heavy Motor Rifle squad’s GP Defense is 4S [S indicates a Soft-type unit].
The GP Fire modifiers are now checked for any effect. The Net Modifier is –30 as a result of the following modifier:
- Shooter Suppressed –20
- CE Ammo -10 [penalty for firing an ATGM at a non-vehicle target in open terrain. ATGMs are CE (chemical energy) ammo-types]
The 13 GP Factor column on the GP Combat Table is cross-referenced with the GP Defense of 4. The two numbers found are 16 for the N-Effect and 53 for the S-Effect. The US player rolls (100). The result is 35, so the net roll is 5 (35-30). Since 5 is less than 16 the combat had No Effect.
For the MMG, at a range of 3 hexes for GP Direct Fire, the GP Range Factor is S – Short Range, and GP Factor is 2. The GP Fire modifiers are now checked for any effect. The Net Modifier is –25 as a result of the following modifier:
- Shooter Suppressed –20
- Dual Fire Same Target –5 [Dual Fire simulates the challenge of managing the fire of multiple weapons against the same or different targets].
The 2 GP Factor column on the GP Combat Table is cross-referenced with the GP Defense of 4. The two numbers found are 60 for the N-Effect and 86 for the S-Effect. It is not possible to get an Effective Result. The US player rolls (100). The result is 92, so the net roll is 67 (92-25). Since 67 is not greater than 86 but greater than 60, the Motor Rifle squad is Suppressed. It is marked with a Suppression/On counter. The M150 is marked with a Spot/Fire counter under the edge of its Command counter.
Previous Article in the Series: MBT Example of Play (Part 3): Advanced Game ATGM Dodge
Next Article in the Series: MBT Example of Play (Part 5): Advanced Game Close Assault Combat