Skies Above the Reich 1942 Campaign AAR: Part 3

Recently, Bruce Geryk posted a detailed and well illustrated After Action Report of the 1942 Campaign of Skies Above the Reich on a Grognard Wargamer thread. We are presenting that AAR here as a series of articles with Bruce’s permission so readers can easily reference it in the future. Parts 1 and 2 of this series can be found here and here. Enjoy! -Rachel

The Price of Speed: Movement Events in Apocalypse Road

As I have mentioned before, Events in Apocalypse Road are handled differently than in Thunder Alley or Grand Prix. Waiting for everyone to move all their cars didn’t seem to be exciting enough, and resolving an event after every car was too much and too chaotic. What Carla & I settled on is an occurrence of events based on the speed of the cards you use.

Video: Hitler’s Reich Game Mechanics

Below is a helpful video from Mark Buetow covering the main mechanics of Hitler’s Reich. Last week we also posted “Hitler’s Reich: The Gist of the Game” from Mark, which discussed gameplay. Be sure to check that out as well if you missed it! -Rachel

Sharpshooters in Death Valley

Almost at the start of Death Valley‘s design work we realized the difficulty of approaching its 1864 battles using only the chrome featured in previous games in the GBACW series. By 1864 southern leaders faced a growing manpower crisis, while the north supplied an increasing number of its units with repeating rifles and carbines. The Union cavalry, in particular, benefited from the firepower upgrade, training to fight dismounted so as to maximize its effect. The combination of superior northern numbers and firepower threatened to turn our 1864 battles into massacres.

All Bridges Burning: Simulating the Finnish Civil War, Part 2

In the previous InsideGMT article on All Bridges Burning, we looked in in more detail at some historical particularities the game deals with. It is understood that as a topic the Finnish Civil War is relatively little known, and so gamers may appreciate detailed looks at some aspects of the history and how these are simulated in the game.

In this article we’ll look in more detail at some of the Moderates faction’s commands and special activities.

Fort Sumter: Final Crisis Strategy


Now that Fort Sumter has entered the gaming universe, I thought it was time to do a few articles on strategy. If you are unfamiliar with this game, please look at my earlier Inside GMT articles or download the Playbook and read the comprehensive example of play.