FAB: Crusader – Scouting Attempts with Recon Assets

In this article series, I will post a series of short examples of different assets, events and other special features included in FAB: Crusader, Volume IV in the Fast Action Battle series. This post will show how the game handles Recon assets. Allied recon assets have two special abilities, Scouting and Screening as well as being used as regular battle assets. First out is scouting!

Strategy for 1960: The Making of the President – Part 1: The Early Turns

Below is the first in a three part series of articles on 1960: The Making of the President strategy from our newest InsideGMT contributor, David Wiley of Cardboard Clash. You can also find this article on David’s blog. Enjoy! -Rachel

Replicator Tuesday Issue #42: Changes to Technology Reveals (Part 1)

Replicator Tuesdays is an article series appearing on InsideGMT. It features insights into the development of the 2nd expansion for the board wargame Space Empires:4x by Jim Krohn.  Here the designer, developer and play testers will share their thoughts and experiences on this upcoming expansion. Since there is much crossover between the Space Empires and Talon development teams, both Space Empires and Talon articles will be featured in this series.

Issue #42: Changes to Technology Reveals (Part 1)

Next War: Poland Video AAR (Part 1)

Designer Joel Toppen is well known among our customers for his outstanding solitaire designs Navajo Wars and Comancheria, as well as his amazing work in creating so many of the VASSAL modules for our games. Recently, Joel took a break to actually play someone else’s game, and in the process gave all of us players a gift, in the form of a bunch of short video clips that combine to create an AAR of his play of the advanced game (with some optional rules) of Next War: Poland. It’s not often that we get to see the advanced campaign laid out in all its glory, much less get a thoughtful video overview of strategy and processes by someone with Joel’s understanding of games and systems. And given that this is a theatre of potential war that is of great interest to many on both sides of the Atlantic right now, we thought you all would enjoy getting a look at how Joel’s game played out.

Note that the videos below all link to Joel’s Twitter account (follow him!), but we wanted to archive them all here on InsideGMT, in order, so that you could all access them easily whenever you pull out your Next War: Poland to play on your game table.

With many thanks to Joel for creating such an excellent group of videos to help us all understand both the game and the current and potential situation in Eastern Europe and the Baltic, we heartily present and endorse these videos, which we will present in several parts (grouped to cover a turn or two at a time). We hope they bring you much enjoyment and instruction as you learn and enjoy your game. – Gene

Chronicle of the Battles of the Warrior Queen: Part 1 – Camulodunum and Mona Insulis

Below is an After Action Report and Narration using the mini-campaign scenario for Battles of the Warrior Queen that comes from one of our customers, Vladimir Vladov. He had that scenario published on InsideGMT and it can be found here. Enjoy! -Rachel

All Bridges Burning: On the Concept of Terror


The Finnish civil war goes down as a particularly bloody conflict: in the space of a mere five months over 36 000 people died (of 3.1 million), a staggering 9 700 of the victims executed or murdered. Terror was an inseparable part of how both sides conducted the war.

In this fourth InsideGMT article showcasing the game (the first three articles can be found here), we’ll look at the game’s concept of Terror, both, in its role in the mechanics of game play as well as historically.

Talon Tuesday Issue #41: Talon Solitaire Part 3 – The Ships and Empire War

“Talon Tuesdays” is an article series appearing on InsideGMT periodically on Tuesdays.  It features articles from the Talon development team regarding the game’s design, development and upcoming release of the Talon 1000 expansion. Since Space Empires:4x Replicators is also releasing soon and there is crossover between the two development teams, Replicator articles will be featured as well.

Issue #41 Talon Solitaire Part 3: The Ships and Empire War

The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 – Introduction and After Action Report

Below is a look at one of the games coming to the P500 list this month, The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944, designed by Ted Raicer. Ted has also included a first turn playtest after action report for The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 at the end of this article. Enjoy! -Rachel