Introduction by Congress of Vienna (CoV) Assistant Designer & Editor, Fred Schachter: This article is intended to supplement and serve as a narrative for the game’s now available Solitaire System from GMT.
The genesis of Congress of Vienna’s solitaire system began with the good efforts of Game Designer Frank Esparrago, ably assisted through the talents of Jim Gutt and David Yllanes. To learn more of what they considered and accomplished, access this link for a 2021 InsideGMT article explaining the various versions of CoV, including its Solo game at the time: Congress of Vienna: Designing Its Solitaire Game | Inside GMT blog
This was a great start, but the CoV Team sought a Solitaire Game more player-friendly and easier to grok and use. It was then David Schoellhamer took the project’s reins. Rather than utilize something completely new, Frank recommended with David and Frank subsequently composing a Congress of Vienna Solitaire System using the already successfully established CDG Solo System by Stuka Joe (thanks Joe, what a wonderful approach you devised!).
The CoV Team loved it! They embraced the solo system and Bot edits David created for CoV playtesting. David now resumes this tale…